    HomePainWhat Types of Children Headaches are there?

    What Types of Children Headaches are there?

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    It can be difficult to have headaches, and it is even more difficult for children. These headaches can become more frequent, which can make it even more difficult. Headaches can become chronic and may be experienced every week, fortnightly, or every month. These symptoms should never be experienced by children, no matter how often they occur or how infrequently. If your child is experiencing a recurring pattern, consult a pediatrician immediately. They don’t need to be worried about, but you should not ignore the problem.

    Children Headaches

    There are many reasons children can experience headaches, just like adults. These headaches can last several hours or even last several days.

    • Secondary Headaches – Some symptoms can be caused by other health conditions. They could be caused by allergies, sinus infections, or injuries to the head. The secondary symptoms will disappear once the primary problem has been resolved.
    • Stress- It is a fallacy to assume that only adults are affected by stress and other related illnesses. Children can also experience stress depending on their level. Children may be concerned about a situation at school or in their home. A consultation with a counselor and a doctor may be beneficial in such a situation. Sometimes, these doctors might work together to treat the child.
    • Tension headaches – Children can also suffer from tension headaches. It may be a persistent one. It may also cause rigidity around your head. This type of headache may also be accompanied with aching temples and neck pain. Although it is not clear what causes these symptoms in young children it could be due to tension in the neck, jaw, or a change in the brain chemistry.
    • Excessive use of medication- Headaches that last at least 4-6 weeks can be caused by excessive use of pain medication. These symptoms can also be caused by too much caffeine intake in children. You should stop taking caffeine.
    • Migraine Headache – This is the most common cause of long-term and recurring headaches in children. A child suffering from migraines will be diagnosed by a pediatrician based on the location of the pain and the symptoms.
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    A child with migraine will have difficulty absorbing light, nausea, vomiting, and aura. The doctor may prescribe medication to help manage the pain. Headaches in children should not be ignored. Although most headaches are mild, they can indicate a more serious problem.



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