    HomeDietWhat to know about Vegetarian Weight Loss?

    What to know about Vegetarian Weight Loss?

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    It can be difficult to choose one of the many fad diets available. Many of the most popular diets promise quick fixes and miracle cures, especially if celebrity promoters or dietitians claim credit. To lose weight, you don’t need to eat only spinach and frozen grapes. A vegetarian diet is a simple way to lose weight. It can be easy to assume that vegetarian weight loss will be difficult for those who are used to eating certain amounts of meat every day. It is not true. You can still enjoy hearty, warm meals and hot dinners while still losing weight. Contrary to popular belief vegetarians don’t eat only rabbit food. They also eat lettuce and carrots.

    Avoid Meat

    Here are some reasons to avoid meat before you start looking for new vegetarian recipes. It is important to believe that your diet will succeed. You won’t be able stick to it if you don’t believe it will work. You can eat more vegetables and fruits if you eat lots of them. This will allow you to eat almost no fat or sugar. These foods are high in fiber, which makes your stomach feel fuller. You don’t have to eat unhealthy fats and processed carbs to satisfy your hunger pangs.

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    Fasting allows you to lose weight faster than if you were eating normally. Many vegetables contain “negative calories”, which is a way for your body to burn fat in order to make the energy necessary to metabolize them. This is what you might have heard about foods that burn fat. For main meals and side dishes, eat lots of spinach and broccoli salads. You can make a salad look like a complete meal by adding a variety of ingredients to it. Spinach salads are great with orange slices, pine nuts, or walnuts. You can also add cottage or feta cheese to your vegetarian diet. Nuts and cheese provide protein that will keep you fuller for longer periods of time.

    Natural Sugar

    You will feel energized with natural sugar from the strawberries and blood orange slices. Salads are great for summer when you don’t want to overheat and need to eat. Watermelon is a great vegetarian dessert if you live in a hot area. Vegetarian stews can keep you warm even in winter when you don’t need as many calories. Lentils can be used to make hearty, rich and piping hot stews.

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    Mulligatawny soup is the best example. It dates back to British rule in India. According to legend, the British had their Indian servants alter the recipe of “daal”, to give an Anglo-Oriental twist on an Indian dish. Vegetarians don’t need to eat chicken. Instead, they can enjoy the rich flavors of yellow and Indian lentils, garlic and ginger, potato, carrot, and Indian herbs. This soup is a popular choice at all types of restaurants. You can order a bowl and try it out before you decide to make it at home.


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