    HomePainWhat to know about Migraine-Associated Vertigo?

    What to know about Migraine-Associated Vertigo?

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    Migraine-associated Vertigo is dizziness caused by migraine headaches. One of the most common reasons people visit the doctor is dizziness. Migraines are also common. Diagnosticians are responsible for determining if the headache and dizziness are related. If so, they will also determine if the dizziness is a sign of migraine or if they co-exist. The following words will be used to describe migraine-associated vertigo in peer-reviewed journal articles: episodic rotational, nausea and vomiting, positional, movement-associated disequilibrium and illusory self motion or object motion.


    A diagnosis of migraine-associated vertigo does not require a heache. I have experienced migraine-associated vertigo and have been in the company of others who have. There are too many symptoms that migraines can cause to list. MAVers often report the following: Symptoms can last for many years and may be present 24/7. I know of a woman who has suffered from migraine-associated vertigo for 23+ years.

    Common symptoms include crushing fatigue, brain fog, surrealism (as if looking through a coke glass), and visual snow so dense that it’s difficult to see people’s faces. There are also symptoms like dizziness such as rocking motion, vertigo, bed swings and feeling like the floor or bed is shifting. This is a terrible illness to live with. It’s more than just dizziness. It is a life-threatening, debilitating illness.

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    It is frustrating that your family and friends think you are just dizzy. They don’t get why you won’t eat the chocolate cake that they made or why you won’t get up to go outside and enjoy some sunshine. If you don’t take prophylaxis, you will experience rebound.

    The “Migraine Diet” is the best prophylactic option. David Buchholz, M.D., formerly of Johns Hopkins, provides a detailed version of the diet in his Book, Heal Your Headache. If there is no improvement in migraine-associated vertigo after three months, the patient can move on to the next step.

    If there is significant relief from trigger foods, it is time to add foods one at a while to determine which food is the problem. Most people can identify food triggers that make a huge difference in how they feel. Laminine is the best alternative treatment that I have found. It was reported in American Health Journal and broadcast by PBS. The body has its own healing pathways.


    The problem is that we live in toxic environments and eat toxic food. Our natural pathways are too sick for us to use. We live longer but are more sickly. A Canadian doctor discovered a way of extracting the “life-essence” of a fertilized nine-day-old avian egg. Research revealed that all the necessary ingredients to create life are at their highest levels on the ninth day. The life-giving proteins at this stage are so potent that a chick can be hatched in just two weeks.

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    This medical doctor’s patients were able to use this method of extracting and freezing the proteins. The product was patented and is now being sold worldwide under the name Laminine. The product functions at the level of stem cells in our bodies. Stem cells can transform into any type of cell in the body. If nerve cells are damaged, they will die.


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