    HomePainWhat is the Root Cause of Headaches?

    What is the Root Cause of Headaches?

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    Headache is a sign of inner dysfunction in the body. It is one the most common health problems worldwide. It affects nearly everyone on average at some point in their lives. Headaches can be caused by many factors. It could be caused by multiple factors. There is a better way than any other to find the root cause of headaches. The most common cause of headaches can be identified in general. This makes it easy to understand the root causes.


    The first reason for the headache is pain signals in the brain. This is because the brain is the most sensitive area of the body to signal processing and emitting. When stress builds up and has no outlet, it can lead to headaches. If someone doesn’t weep or cry in deep grief, the stress builds up and causes headaches. The problem with the head is that it is so sensitive and must depend on other parts of the body to remove stress.

    All kinds of physical and body activities tend to release stress through the muscles. If the muscles closest to the head, such as the eye muscles, jaw muscles and neck muscles, don’t get enough exercise, stress can slowly build up. These muscles can be thought of as batteries that can hold current.

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    Stress Factor

    However, if the stress builds up beyond the ability to relieve it, the stress becomes pain and is transmitted to the brain to send warning signals. The pain is then felt in the head and we start to complain about it. It is very beneficial to understand the basic body and mental mechanics of a person. The chances of getting a headache are lower the further the stress is from the brain’s areas such as feet, legs, and arms.

    However, the stress condition is closer to the brain areas such as the eyes, jaws, and cheek muscles. Stress is not an individual thing. It is the accumulation of stress, like stress that has accumulated and failed to find an outlet. This causes headaches. Although the body is designed to handle some stress, headaches can occur when too much stress builds up.

    Acute Headache

    Acute headache is actually a long-lasting and persistent condition of stress that causes the body to not be able to eliminate it. It is because the stress-induced fatigue in the muscles can persist for a while, causing the symptoms to not go away. When there is no outlet, stress builds up slowly and can cause pain in certain parts of the body, such as the feet. It will go away if the pain in your feet is relieved by massage, pressing them, or physical soothing therapy.

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    In the opposite situation, the feet might not feel pain and the stress may shift to the brain. This can lead to headaches. People who suffer from frequent headaches often complain of tired eyes and feeling tired. Because these parts are directly involved in the brain’s functions, eye muscles are most sensitive. It is interesting that physical laborers may not experience as many headaches as those who work in offices with files and paper in mental labor.


    Mental jobs involve the perceptions of feelings such as watching, hearing, and paying close attention to details in files and mechanical procedures like mending watches, which require deep attention at micro levels. These conditions can lead to tiredness in the muscles closest to the brain that is difficult to relieve, and eventually leads to stress and headaches. It is important to realize that mental procedures can cause more pain to the head than physical procedures.


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