    HomePainWhat are Weather related Headaches?

    What are Weather related Headaches?

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    Headaches and migraines can be as severe as being struck by lightning. Recent research has shown that lightning strikes can increase headache events by 24%. Lightning is not only a dangerous weather event that can cause headaches, but it is also the second-most deadly. Water heats up and evaporates. These molecules then enter a cloud and collide with other water molecules. This causes electrons to be knocked off, leading to a charge separation. As the process continues, the intensity of the charge separation increases.

    Let’s understand it

    It can even cause electrons to sink further below the ground, causing them to separate from their charges. The charge intensifies further, causing ionization (separation of positive ions from electrons). Because electrons and ions are ionized (also known as plasma), they are further apart, so they have less restriction. This mobility creates an environment of electrical conductance. These events create a tunnel-like pathway from the cloud to ground.

    This process continues, resulting in a lightning bolt. So. As you can see, lightning events occur from the cloud to ground. These atmospheric changes can affect anyone living in the storm area. Your body is made of atoms. This structure contains both positive protons as well as negative electrons. Your body will be affected if the area between the clouds & the ground is becoming ionized.

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    About the Symptoms

    Why is it that some people may experience symptoms while others don’t notice any? This question may never be fully answered. There are some obvious things that must be considered. Your Electrical System and Headaches. Your electrical system is made up of your brain and nervous system. Lightning events can further complicate the problem of headaches, as they are caused by brain damage.

    The nervous system must be healthy to reduce the likelihood of headaches from lightning strikes. Balance is essential. Balance is essential.

    About Stress

    Stress can cause imbalance. There are three types: emotional, chemical, and physical stress. Lightning storms fall under the category of chemical stresses. This would further exacerbate any chemical imbalance. It is important to recognize that all of these stresses can be combined. A physical stress can make a chemical one worse. The same applies to the other categories.



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