    HomePainWhat are Migraine Headaches and Tension Headaches?

    What are Migraine Headaches and Tension Headaches?

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    A headache is something everyone can relate to as it is something we all have experienced at some point. Some people only need to rest or take an over-the-counter pain medication. Others may experience more severe or frequent pain and may require further medical evaluation. Patients seeking medical attention most often complain of headaches.

    Headache Types

    There are many types of headaches, but the most common is tension headaches. They are less severe than migraine headaches but can be mistaken for tension headaches. The patient must be able to tell the difference in pain intensity and location. Both experience steady pain, but migraine sufferers feel a pounding and throbbing sensation on one or both of their heads.

    This can be potentially debilitating. The pain gets worse if the head is moved, so it is important to rest or lie down. Tension headaches do not cause throbbing pain and the sensation of pressure is mild to moderate. It is not distracting and it is not necessary to be immobile. There are also different symptoms between the two.

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    Migraine headaches can be accompanied by a variety of symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, sensitivity or odors, visual disturbance, and sounds or smells. These symptoms are rare in tension headaches. Migraine attacks are usually triggered by triggers that can be varied and include specific foods, weather, environmental conditions, or events.

    A tension headache can often be caused by psychological stress. This can happen after long work hours, in uncomfortable situations, or lack of sleep. Bad posture, eyestrain, or hunger can also cause tension headaches. No matter the type of headache, it is important to not take them lightly, especially if they are frequent. It is possible that the headaches are caused by migraines, but it could also indicate another underlying condition.


    If the pain is severe and persistent, if it is not a headache, if the symptoms are more severe, if the person is experiencing a loss of consciousness, if the person feels the pain around the eyes or ears or a change in alertness, it is best to consult a doctor. To accurately diagnose migraine headaches, a medical practitioner needs specific information.

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    These include the frequency, location, and duration of the headaches, when they occur, the presence or absence of any other symptoms, family history of migraine, past medications, and past illnesses. If these tests are not sufficient, the doctor might order additional tests such as blood screening, CT scan, or MRI. Unlike tension headaches, migraine headaches need special treatment. Effective pain management requires a prompt and accurate diagnosis.



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