    ГоловнаСтаттяУ чому причина масового відкликання масок FFP2?

    У чому причина масового відкликання масок FFP2?

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    Nearly 17 million FFP2 masks distributed to caregivers have been recalled by Public Health France. The presence of graphene, a potentially toxic element, was not mentioned on their leaflet.


    A note that went almost unnoticed on the website of the National Agency for the Safety of Medicines (ANSM). But revealed by Mediapart, it indicates that Public Health France asks hospitals to no longer use masks labeled “Biomass Graphene”. The document entitled “Urgent – safety information” states that masks should be stored “pending the assessment of the possible risk associated with the presence of graphene in these masks”.

    The order, made in April 2020 to China’s Shandong Shengquan New Materials, concerns 60.5 million masks with a CE marking that can potentially contain graphene, of which 16.9 million have already been distributed. Public Health France evokes “a favorable opinion” of the ANSM issued “on the products received, an order made at the time of the massive acquisitions”, in April 2020, in a “context of shortage of masks”.

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    Graphene dangerous to health.

    It is a new lightweight and ultra-resistant nanomaterial with multiple and very promising applications, which would have antiviral and antibacterial properties, but would also be likely to cause risks of breathing difficulties if inhaled particles. Canadian authorities recalled millions of masks more than two months ago, on March 25.

    In France, graphene is classified as a biocide, as defined by the National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety (ANSES). In other words, these masks should never have ended up in the hands of caregivers,if we believe the specifications of SPF which makes them a “criterion of exclusion”.


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