    ГоловнаІмунна системаЩо таке дріжджова інфекція?

    Що таке дріжджова інфекція?

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    Many people are looking for home remedies for yeast infections. There are many home remedies that you can use to get rid of this annoying problem. Unfortunately, most people don’t know how to create a natural treatment plan that will get rid of their infection.

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    Stop eating foods that can cause yeast growth. Refined sugar is a major food source for candida, so you should try to reduce it in your daily meals. Next, you need to pay attention to natural substances that can kill yeast. Boric acid, which is 500 mg, can be used to kill yeast. For approximately 2 weeks, you should insert a boric acid capsule into your vagina twice daily.

    Zinc is another home remedy for yeast infections. Metallothionein proteins, also known as MT can kill candida. Metallothionein is induced from zinc and many people with candida are low-in zinc and MT. Chronic candida infections will occur if your zinc levels are not normal. Take 200-400mg capsules of oregano 2 to 3 times daily.

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    Oregano can eliminate the yeast fungus in as little as a few weeks. You can also make a tea with oregano using a teaspoon of the leaf and 250ml boiling water. You can boil the teaspoon of oregano for 10 minutes in boiling water. Strain and enjoy. Once you have eliminated the infection, you will need to restore the balance of good bacteria in your body. Acidophilus capsules are the best way to do this naturally.

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    Acidophilus, also known as probiotics, will protect your body against yeast overgrowth. Some doctors recommend that acidophilus be taken after antibiotics have been administered. To fight the bacteria, you could use vaginal suppositories containing live acidophilus bacteria every day or yogurt, which is a rich source.

    Останнє зауваження

    Echinacea is a herb that can help you fight recurring yeast infections. Echinacea can help your body fight the fungus infection better. It can also be used as a pain relief and to reduce inflammation. You can use it as a treatment by simply applying a 3% ointment every day. You will be able treat and prevent infections once you have learned how to use each natural remedy. This natural treatment for yeast infections will not only help you keep the yeast fungus away, but it will also improve your overall health and diet.

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