    HomeImmune SystemWhat Is Hepatitis B Again?

    What Is Hepatitis B Again?

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    Hepatitis is a liver disease in which the liver cells become damaged due to external factors such as alcohol or viral diseases. There are varying kinds of hepatitis, but hepatitis C and B stands to be the most frequent ones among them. Millions of people throughout the planet get infected with hepatitis C, and hepatitis B.

    Let’s see…

    Both of them have different incubation period and have a distinct mechanism of multiplication and infecting healthy liver cells. But, in both cases, hepatitis B is far more complex and difficult to heal than hepatitis C. Let’s see what hepatitis B is and the way it’s spread. There’s a vaccine that’s used these days to avoid infection. In hepatitis B, the virus infects the host and shows symptoms of disease after nearly 120 days. There might not be any symptoms in certain individuals, and in certain cases, the symptoms may appear after the incubation period.

    Hepatitis B is both acute and chronic, which means it can last for a couple of weeks or years. Hepatitis B virus is believed to be more complex than the hepatitis C virus. This is because the disease mechanism of both viruses is different. In Hep C, the virus strikes the cell, takes over the cellular activity, and makes the mobile infected. In Hep B, the virus DNA is circular, and it has integrated into the liver cell nucleus.

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    Keep in mind

    This makes it hard to test, show signs, and treat. Hepatitis spreads through blood. If the infected blood comes in contact with blood that’s infected, then the odds of contracting Hep B are high. This can result from sharing needles and resources. Or by any blood transfusion or unprotected sex. The doctors generally have various diagnosis procedures, as this helps in coming to a precise outcome. First, the physicians test the liver function and liver enzymes. In the event the liver enzymes are too large, then a blood test is done.

    • Surface antigen/antibody evaluation: these tests have the antigen protein on the Hep B virus and antibodies created by the body’s immune system. Typically, the antibodies appear after ten weeks of exposure.
    • Surface antibody test: this test is done to assess whether the man is resistant to Hep B. In this, the tested antibodies are generated following the antigen-bearing virus disappears. If someone tests positive for Hep B, then the physicians tend to prescribe vaccines to boost the immune system.
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    The body’s immune system will fight the virus by generating more antibodies; following the Hep B is cleared, the individual is going to be an inactive carrier of the Hep B antibodies. Sometimes, the individual may have a chronic condition. If that’s the case, an individual will be prescribed antiviral and other drugs. The patients are also proposed to eat healthily, keep away from alcohol, and take bed rest to recuperate fast.

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