    ГоловнаДомашній засібЯкі найкращі натуральні засоби для лікування геморою?

    Які найкращі натуральні засоби для лікування геморою?

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    Hemorrhoids are one of the most frustrating and painful conditions a person can have to deal. Hemorrhoids will affect approximately 89% of the population at some time in their lives. You can learn as much as you can about natural remedies for hemorhoids to stop the annoying symptoms from getting worse.

    Домашні засоби

    Home remedies are often preferred by many people as they are easily accessible when an emergency arises. Hemorrhoids can be described as varicose veins or tissues in the anal or rectum that become irritated and swollen. If not treated, they can become bleeding masses and cause severe discomfort. This condition is treatable easily and can be treated at home using a variety of natural remedies for hemorhoids. The condition can worsen over time so it is important to get treatment immediately. Find out what is causing the irritation.

    Клітковинна їжа

    You might not be getting enough fiber or have poor eating habits. Women in the later stages of pregnancy are more likely to experience hemorhoids, but they usually resolve on their own after childbirth. Knowing the triggers can help you take preventative measures to reduce flare-ups and ease symptoms as they occur. It is a good idea to increase fiber intake in your diet. This can help to create a looser stool which will reduce strain on the rectum.

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    Many of the symptoms you experience are caused by straining to have bowel movements. You want things to flow smoothly. You can use witch hazel to cool the area and reduce the itching and burning sensations. This will reduce swelling, soothe the pain and stop the bleeding. This can be applied externally in the form a liquid, cream, or ointment.

    Баня Ситц

    A sitz bath is one of the most effective natural remedies for hemorhoids. It is also the cheapest. Warm water can help calm the itching, burning, and irritation. Make sure the water is not too hot and that it does not contain any chemicals or irritants like soap. After you have finished the bath, apply a cream or an ointment such as witch hazel to the area to keep it moisturized. If the area becomes dry and itchy, it can make matters worse. The simple remedies mentioned above can provide relief and help you keep hemorhoids under control.

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