    ГоловнаБільЩо відомо про синусовий біль?

    Що відомо про синусовий біль?

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    You might be mistaken if you believe you have sinus headaches. Sinus headaches are a myth. Sinus headaches are not real. Your sinus headaches are usually caused by something related to your sinuses. Usually, your sinuses become inflamed due to an allergy or infection. This inflammation blocks the flow of mucus, which causes pain similar to a migraine. Sinusitis is the most common cause of headaches. This occurs when our ostia, which connect our nasal cavities and our paranasal nasal sinuses, become blocked by allergic inflammation or swelling of the nasal lining. This can be caused by a cold or allergy.


    Sinusitis occurs when the drainage of our mucus becomes blocked at the ostia. Sinusitis is not a serious condition, but it can be annoying. Sinusitis can cause bad breath, nausea, headaches, fever, post-nasal drip and fatigue, as well as severe symptoms such as pain, coughing, nasal congestion, nasal congestion, fatigue, and nausea.

    You might be lucky to have sinusitis. There are worse things that could affect your sinuses. An allergy, such as allergic rhinitis, is the second most common reason for a sinus problem. This happens when you are allergic or sensitive to something in your environment, such as dust, pet hair, mold, or pollen. Hay fever is a condition that occurs when you are allergic to plant pollen.

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    Hay fever is characterized by symptoms such as sneezing, itchy eyes, swelling, and runny nose. Nasal polyps can also be caused by allergic rhinitis or sinusitis. These polyps can grow in your sinuses and nasal passages. Most commonly, nasal polyps can be felt in the nose and throat. Because nasal polyps can look similar to a cold, people who have them may believe they have a long-lasting cold.

    Anosmia, which is a loss of sense of smell, is one of the more serious forms of sinusitis. Anosmia, which can be caused by a cold, sinusitis, or nasal polyps as well, can lead to a loss of your sense of smell. If you’re lucky, this will only last 1-2 days or weeks. If your nose’s olfactory receptor neurons have died, this loss can be permanent. Is there a fungus growing up your nose? You may have chronic sinusitis if you suspect it or have it. This condition is known as fungal syndrome.

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    The Mayo Clinic published a 1999 study that showed that 93% of chronic sinusitis was actually fungal sinusitis. This condition can be explained in the simplest way: it is a delayed immune response to mold. If you suspect you have chronic sinusitis, an ear, nose, and throat specialist (otolaryngologist), is the best person to consult. They are best qualified to diagnose the problem. The idea that you have sinus headaches is a myth is not true. Your sinuses can be affected by a variety of diseases. If you have headaches due to sinus problems, you should see your doctor immediately.



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