    HomeHome RemedyHow To Treat My Hemorrhoids?

    How To Treat My Hemorrhoids?

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    There are several home remedies that can be used to treat hemorhoids. Hemorrhoids can be caused by anal and rectal vein enlargements. This is often caused by straining during bowel movements, sedentary lifestyles, pregnancy, and obesity. While prevention is the best treatment, there are some home remedies that you can use to treat hemorhoids.

    External hemorhoids

    These can be relieved with creams and ointments that reduce the itching, pain, and burning. These products are available and many people have them. Your intestinal system will be easier to pass stool if you keep it lubricated with more fiber and fluids. This will help reduce irritation. Petroleum jelly can be used in the anus to aid in their passage.

    A sitz bath can be used to reduce swelling and pain associated with hemorhoids. You can heat the water to the point that you can sit comfortably in it. Then, take a 20-minute break and sit down for 20 minutes approximately three to four times per day. A towel wrapped with ice can be used to reduce swelling. Over-wiping can cause damage to blood vessels and lead to hemorhoids.

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    Be aware

    The same can happen if you use rough, cheap toilet paper. This is one of the best home remedies for hemorhoids. Use gentler toilet paper and wiggle the area lightly to avoid irritation. One home remedy for hemorhoids is stool softeners. It is important to get a bowel movement every hour, regardless of the urge.

    This will prevent it from drying out and make it easier to pass. Hemorrhoids can be caused by prolonged sitting or straining, as well as reading on the toilet. This puts pressure on the area, which causes hemorhoids. Witch hazel is a natural remedy that shrinks and contracts blood vessels. This is why barbers use it to treat cuts. It can be used to cool the area and shrink hemorhoids by storing a bottle of witchhazel in the fridge.

    Keep in Mind

    Applying a small amount with a cotton ball to hemorhoids is one of the most effective home remedies. Salt can dehydrate the digestive system and cause constipation. Some foods and drinks, such as coffee and strong spices, beer, and cola, can cause irritation.

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    Overweight can cause excessive pressure to the area. A weight loss diet is recommended. Long periods of sitting or standing can cause pressure to the rectal and anal areas. As gravity applies pressure to any position, it is a good idea to alternate standing and sitting regularly to treat hemorhoids.


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