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    Як лікувати печію та підвищену кислотність?

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    Acidity and heartburn are common complaints. They can cause a burning sensation or sensation in your abdomen, fullness, flatulence, nausea, or a burning sensation in your stomach. Heartburn is a burning sensation in the stomach or chest that is caused by stomach acid. We will be discussing some of the most common home remedies to relieve acidity and heartburn.

    Домашні засоби

    These home remedies are natural and provide relief naturally.

    • Don’t eat food that’s too hot, too cold, or too dry. It should not be cooked to the point of being unpalatable. To make it soft, butter or ghee should be added. People who live a sedentary life should not use too much oil.
    • Frequent meals should not be consumed, but in small quantities. To avoid acid eructation, eat your meals only after you have digested the previous meals.
    • Don’t eat fast food as it will cause a delay in the normal production of enzymes, which can affect the process of digestion.
    • Avoid spicy and heavy foods, such as chocolate desserts, hamburgers, and fried foods.
    • Smoking and chewing tobacco can weaken the nervous system. The stomach’s mucous membrane and intestine cease functioning properly. Avoid such behaviors.
    • Acidity can also be caused by stress, especially for students who are studying for their exams. The vagus nerve is affected by stress, which leads to the formation of hydrochloric acids. Students are more likely to form acid during exam days because of stress. Students should therefore be more careful about what they eat during exam days.
    • Peptic ulcer is caused by suppressing the natural urges to urinate, defecate, pass flatus, and urinate. People are forced to suppress their natural urges by urgent work, travel on a bus, and other reasons. It is important to practice defecation every morning after getting up.
    • You should eat the right amount of food, not more or less.
    • Cucumber juice can reduce acidity if consumed regularly. This home remedy is useful for acidity and heartburn.
    • Patients with intestinal ulcers will find it very beneficial to take bananas with milk or on its own. It reduces intestinal inflammation and can satisfy your appetite.
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