    ГоловнаБільHow to Prevent and Treat Headaches?

    How to Prevent and Treat Headaches?

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    FHeadache affects 90% of men and 95% of women. Headache is the most common and severe type of pain almost everyone experiences. It can be mentally exhausting and also affects productivity. It begs the question: What is it that makes a bad headache so severe as to keep a person down? Let’s look at headaches and find the solution. There are many reasons headaches can occur. They can be caused by tension, migraines, or sinus problems. Although the causes may be different, they all lead to an annoying ache in the head.


    No matter what the cause, headaches can be prevented. You don’t have to take a pill for headaches. It has been said that prevention is better than cure.

    • People often fall asleep while reading and then continue reading on the couch. It is best to not read while you are lying down.
    • If you find that reading is a must, you can prop your head up with at least two pillows to elevate your head. This will ensure that your eyes are not straining.
    • Be careful with the lights. For eye straining activities like needle work, reading, or needlework, the room must be well lit. Both too much light and too little light can be harmful. It is important to maintain a balance.
    • When reading or using the computer, it is best to have the source of light behind your head and not in front.
    • The books and the eyes should have a minimum distance between them. If the book is too close to the eyes, the eye muscles will be strain. Place the book at the chest level.
    • Don’t hold the book too long.
    • If you have a problem with your eyes, consult an eye doctor immediately. You might need glasses if water gets in your eyes while you read. In such cases, you should consult a doctor as faulty eyes can lead to frequent headaches.
    • You should try to find a book with a good print, but not too small or too large fonts. Use a magnifying lens to read small fonts in the book.
    • Moving vehicles are not a good place to read. Bumps in the road can cause headaches or motion sickness if you’re reading in a moving vehicle.
    • T.V. is too bright for you to read. P.C. monitor. The eye problems caused by the light rays from the above sources are not easily corrected.
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