    HomePainDo Headaches start in the Neck?

    Do Headaches start in the Neck?

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    How many people are affected by headaches? According to the National Pain Foundation, only 30% of Americans suffering from headaches will seek treatment. What is stopping the 70% who suffer from recurring pain and discomfort from seeking treatment? It could be one the 3 lies people believe about headaches. It is normal to have persistent, recurring headaches. They’re not. They are not. Headaches are a common symptom in my family so I have to live with them. There are many types of headaches, both mild and severe. There are many factors that can cause headaches. However, just because your mother has the same headaches as her sisters doesn’t mean that you will have the same pain.

    Headaches Control

    My headaches can’t be controlled with drugs. There are other options for headaches than drugs. Upper cervical care (NUCCA), is one option. Many headache sufferers have discovered that the root cause of their headaches is a joint disorder between their neck and head. This is called the Atlas Subluxation in chiropractic. It is impossible to fix a joint dysfunction or Atlas Subluxation using prescription drugs or over-the-counter meds. Imagine this: What if you took your car to the mechanic to have your brakes checked. The mechanic said that they could fix your car by adding an additive to your gas tank.

    The mechanic explained that the additive would prevent your car from running as fast, and allow your aging brakes more time to work. You would probably take your car to another mechanic as soon possible. The same goes for your headache. To solve your headache problem, you can think of putting a painkiller in your gas tank to fix a brake problem.

    Most headaches are caused by the body trying to adapt to mechanical problems in your neck. It’s a problem that needs a mechanical solution. The body can heal itself once this imbalance is corrected. If not eliminated, then the pain will be reduced. This is possible because of a new alignment and the body’s ability heal itself. Are you a headache sufferer who believes one of the three lies above? Are you preventing yourself from getting the help that you need? Stop believing in lies and get evaluated by an upper cervical chiropractor.

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    Bee Pollen

    Can Bee Pollen Cause Headache? Although it has been proven that bee pollen may be a headache remedy, it is not often that we ask the question, “Can bee pollen cause headache?” This is a common misconception. People assume that bee pollen can cure headaches. Bee pollen headaches are a common occurrence in people who have bee allergy. Although it is rare, headaches caused by bee pollen are quite common. Experts attribute this to a common allergy to bee pollen. Other allergic reactions include difficulty breathing, heart palpitations, swelling, and difficulty breathing. These reactions are severe because bee pollen causes headaches. They are rare.

    These reactions have been reported in very few cases. Other possible allergic reactions include a laxative effect and gastro-intestinal problems. Both of these reactions can be considered minor allergic reactions and a normal response to the body absorbing such a rich substance. Sometimes, bee pollen can cause headaches. This is often due to eating nutrient-rich foods. Today’s human body is exposed to chemicals and toxins that are found in our food, as well as air pollution. Air pollution comes from both industrialized areas and airplane travel. Our bodies have become so used to eating low-nutrient foods that bee pollen causes mild discomfort and light laxative effects.


    Bee pollen can cause headaches. You should immediately consult your doctor or medical professional. Be sure to check with the supplier about how the bees pollen was harvested, collected, and stored. Low-grade bee pollen can cause serious health problems due to the contaminants and toxins that are found in it. Be cautious when considering bee pollen therapy. Don’t assume that a product on a shelf is safe for human consumption. This supplement has been used for more than three years and we have had excellent results in our health. We feel more energetic and have a greater sense of well-being.

    Recent studies on various conditions that can cause headaches, including heat, pollution, and barometric pressure, suggest that some of these conditions could actually be triggers. Although most studies were done on migraine sufferers, the problem can affect anyone. Headache can also be a sign that you have a serious illness. Although they are not included in this study, heat exhaustion or heat stroke are two good examples. These conditions can be serious and should be treated immediately. Other symptoms include increased perspiration, nausea, vomiting and weakness.

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    Take Note

    • Barometric Pressure: There are mixed results regarding whether a change in the pressure gradient can trigger headaches. It’s likely that you have them if you suffer from them. Many people experience migraines as soon as it starts to rain. This can happen up to seventy-two hour later.
    • Hot Weather: Headache risk increases by seven-and-a-half percent for every five to nine degrees that the temperature rises. This does not mean that it will only happen when it gets really hot. Any sudden increase in temperature could also cause it. The study was done on cases that were severe enough to warrant a trip to an emergency room. However, the likelihood of this happening could be even greater.
    • Pollution: At one time, the air quality in many major cities was so poor that children couldn’t go outside. This led to serious health problems, including an increase in the risk of developing asthma. You would feel your eyes burning and your throat become irritated by the particulate matter in our atmosphere. This doesn’t mean that pollution is eliminated completely.

    Headaches are still a common side effect, especially if the pollution levels reach stage 3. This is also known from emergency room visits. Therefore, the percentages may not be as high as the studies suggest. There are some things you can do. An air purifier can help reduce the pollution problem. A good filter on an air conditioner could also help. When the barometric pressure drops, a dehumidifier might be helpful. A comfortable temperature and staying indoors can help to prevent or relieve heat-related headaches.

    Herbal Remedies

    Herbal remedies may also prove beneficial. Feverfew was used for migraines long before recorded history began. Many still use it today. There are two ways to get rid of migraines: some people eat a few leaves daily, while others make a tea from it when they feel the need. Freshly chewed, the herb can cause sores to the mouth. Willow bark contains the same active ingredient that as aspirin. This active ingredient was used in headache powders until it could be synthesized.

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    This could help with headaches, but you should be cautious if you are taking blood thinners or on aspirin therapy. If you have an allergy to aspirin, you should avoid it. Before you start any new supplement, it is a good idea for you to consult your doctor. You can avoid side effects and interactions. Also, give the doctor a complete list all medications, herbal preparations, and supplements.


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