    HomeBody-SpiritDid You Know These Facts About Yoga?

    Did You Know These Facts About Yoga?

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    It’s generally a helpful concept to see a yoga instructor lead you through a yoga session on a yoga video or DVD. This can take the place of a course in the event you just can’t figure out how to get to one for some reason. However performing your Restorative Yoga session by viewing a movie isn’t so straightforward.

    Good to know

    Because you must get into a position in a incredibly supported way and allow your body merely to unfold and flow into shape with no strain at all you can hold the positions for up to 20 minutes – or even more once you get the hang of it. While you are in position you’ll be breathing gently and properly and entering a meditative state in order for your body is able to trigger its own healing power.

    If you attempt to do this using a movie or DVD you’ll discover it is too distracting as you will need to do this practice entirely in tune with your body and requirements. What can be helpful is to get a small, pleasant timer that you can set for the duration of time you need to use for your posture but as the time needed to get into position can fluctuate as you get comfortable it’s better for you to have control of that instead of having a movie dictate the pace. In a normal restorative yoga session you may perhaps just use about 4 or 5 positions and among these can be the all-important comfort posture at the end.

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    Restorative Yoga

    It is extremely different to the majority of yoga practices and when you’ve experienced it as a kind of self help anytime you’re feeling low or are hurt in some way you won’t ever look back. Additionally it is an extremely strong stepping stone to doing different kinds of yoga as soon as you’ve recovered your health sufficiently.

    Doing other kinds of yoga once you simply don’t have the energy or focus for them isn’t helpful in any respect. Like any exercise it will use up valuable energy and it’s simply Restorative Yoga that can help you very gently stretch and bend whilst preserving and building your energy. Learn about Restorative Yoga by attending workshops like the’Rising of the Phoenix’ and then use it yourself in your home within your self help regime. You’ll find it quite amazing in its consequences.


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