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    Although migraines are not dangerous, they can cause severe pain. Migraines affect more than 17% of women and 7% among men. Children are also affected. Because the causes of migraine are still unknown, there is no cure. The symptoms can be managed. Some people report that they have never experienced a migraine since changing their lifestyle. Migraines can be prevented by changing your lifestyle. Some foods can trigger headaches, it’s well-known. Find out if you are experiencing headaches and be aware of what foods you eat. Simple things can make a huge difference.


    Your headaches could be caused by cheese, sweets or milk. Eat well, and don’t skip a meal. Get active and reduce stress. Many people believe that regular exercise can reduce migraines. Vitamins and minerals such as magnesium, vitamin B2 or coenzymeQ10 can help to prevent migraines. If you feel the migraine is already brewing, you can relax by lying down in a darkened room and applying cold compresses.

    Deepen your breathing slowly. The migraine can be eased by taking in more oxygen. Drink a coffee. If that doesn’t work, try Paracetamol (also known as Acetaminophen) or Ibuprofen. An abnormal function of your blood vessels is what causes the pain in your head. The pain is not caused by the brain, but the arteries becoming wider. It is not clear how it works but anything that can narrow the blood vessels again helps to reduce the pain. This is why coffee is good for you and how other painkillers work.

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    Chronic Migraine

    It is when you suffer from migraines for more than 15 hours per month. A neurologist can help. There are many treatments that can be used, and your doctor will help you choose the best one. Sometimes, you may notice other neurological symptoms such as sight disturbances or teasing in your hands and arms. This is known as aura and it usually precedes migraine. These symptoms can be similar to a stroke, but they are not serious and usually disappear within 30 minutes.

    Did you know that a migraine can be experienced without the headache? It could be the aura, or a mild ocular headache. The “real” migraine is more common. Although it might be disappointing to learn that there is no cure for migraines, there are ways you can get relief from them. Migraines have become more common in industrialized countries in the past few decades. It is possible to change your life by living a healthier, more relaxed lifestyle.

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