    ГоловнаДомашній засібЧи існують варіанти лікування мігрені?

    Чи існують варіанти лікування мігрені?

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    There are many migraine treatment options. Finding the right one is the most important thing. What works for Martha may not work well for John. Every person is different, so finding the right treatment may prove difficult. One of the most common methods to treat migraines is pharmacologic therapy. There are two types of migraine medication. There are two types of migraine medication: preventive and abortive. Preventive medicine is used to prevent migraines from developing. NSAIDs, acetaminophens, and others are examples of abortive medicines.

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    Antihypertensives and antihistamines are all good preventive drugs. Sedatives and antiseizure medications are also good options. Because doctors recommend them, and there have been many studies that have proven their effectiveness, migraine medications are very popular. Another popular treatment for migraines is acupuncture.

    Acupuncture, a traditional Chinese medicine, is believed to be effective in treating aches and pains, infertility, and other conditions. It involves inserting very thin needles at specific points (or meridians) of the body. These meridians are believed to balance the body’s Qi and restore it to health.

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    Relajation Techniques

    Relaxation therapies are a great way of combating migraines, which can be caused by tension and stress. Deep breathing exercises, music therapy, key muscle relaxation and meditation are all ways to relieve stress and tension. Relaxing your body would also help to reduce stress. Biofeedback, another alternative treatment for migraines, could be helpful. This involves the use of instruments that help you become more aware of your condition and to help you consciously overcome it.

    One simple example is taking your temperature if you have a fever. Now that you know your body temperature has increased, you can take your medicine to bring it back to normal. Some people find that going to the chiropractor is their best option. This method is very popular and many people swear by it. You can get spinal adjustment, deep massages, and nerve stimulation with chiropractic care. According to them, pinched nerves were the main cause of pain. Therefore, pain can be relieved when the nerves are “freed”.


    There are many options available. You can search the Internet for these options. Before you try to self-medicate and experiment with the many suggestions on the internet, consult your doctor first. It is possible that a particular method may not be right for you. People who are allergic to NSAIDs or acetaminophens might be able to avoid them. These people should not attempt to take these medications as they could have serious side effects. To be safe, consult a doctor first.

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