    HomeBee-WorldHow To Increase Your Honey Profits?

    How To Increase Your Honey Profits?

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    Honey-processing and beekeeping are just like any other business. Beekeepers need to take the necessary steps in order to increase their productivity which will make their business more lucrative. Beekeepers must ensure that their beehives are maintained throughout the year in order to preserve the quality and quantity they produce honey.

    Good to know

    To monitor the progress of each colony, it is important to keep records at each hive inspection. You should inspect your hive at least twice a month. Keep track of the date it was occupied and your observations about its condition. You can also improve your beekeeping skills through attending workshops and training seminars. Here are some other ways you can add value to your honeykeeping business.

    To begin bulk production, you can join or form a cooperative with honey producers. The co-operative can then sell honey wholesale to make more money. A co-operative that handles more than 15 tonnes of honey will be more profitable if it sells in bulk to industrial clients. This will ensure a steady and ready market.


    Think big, think globally. Do not settle for one hive. Instead, reinvest your profits to increase the number hives in your garden. This will increase your honey yield and increase your export potential. The European Union Honey Directive provides useful references for international honey standards. Honey that is intended to be imported into EU countries must conform with the Directive’s definition. The Codex Alimentarius Standard for Honey, which is the global standard for honey used worldwide by major honey importers, also contains useful references.

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    These are the standards and methods used to determine the following honey quality factors: moisture and ash, acidity; apparent reducing sugars; apparent sucrose; diastase activity, and water-insoluble material. These documents can be found online. They will help you ensure that honey and other bee products comply with international import standards. The honey-making process produces four major byproducts: pollen, pollen and royal jelly.

    Final note

    There is a large market for beeswax in developed countries. Commercial manufacturers can sell beeswax to them for use in the production and sale of cosmetics, drugs, furniture polish, art materials, candles, and cosmetics. It is high in vitamin B12, vitamin E and protein and can be used in medicine, food additives, and the perfume industry. Royal jelly is a nutritional supplement that is rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids and fatty acids. Propolis can be used to treat corns, receding teeth, upper respiratory disease, and varnish violins. Making your own bee products can add value to your beekeeping business. These products, for example, require very little expertise and can be made at home. These include candles, leather softener and shoe polish, as well as honey ointment, saddle soa/ skin cream, and petroleum jelly.

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