    HomePainWhat are Migraine Headaches?

    What are Migraine Headaches?

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    A migraine is a recurring headache that occurs over and over. It’s more than just a headache. Migraine sufferers often experience nausea, extreme sensitivity and dizziness. This is a severe, throbbing headache. It is usually unilateral and is often accompanied by nausea, constipation, diarrhoea, and a lack of appetite. This is the most common type of migraine and it affects 90% of migraine sufferers. This type of migraine is preceded usually by a series of symptoms that occur between 15 and 30 minutes before the onset.


    Other symptoms include: Tingling in the arms and face; Unusual sounds or smells; Weakness on one end of the body. The sufferer may feel tired and listless for up two days. What causes migraine headaches There has been much research on migraines. However, the exact cause is still unknown. There has been some evidence that migraines may be caused by chemical changes in the body, as well as nerve cells and blood vessels in the head.

    These changes can be triggered by many things, including: Chemical smells; Weather conditions; Hormones; Certain foods like cheese and chocolate; Too much caffeine; Fatigue; Stress; Environmental changes; Chemical smells. Most migraine sufferers will find that there are many triggers that cause their migraine.

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    Headache Diary

    A headache diary is a great way to find out which triggers are responsible for your migraine attacks. This means that you keep track of when and whereabouts the attacks occur, along with details about what food and drink were consumed. Then, you will eliminate the foods and drinks that are causing your headaches. Next, you will reintroduce each one of them one by one and keep track of the reactions in your diary. This will help you eliminate the worst offenders.

    A migraine usually begins in childhood or adolescence, and is most common in young adults and middle-aged people. Although migraines don’t discriminate, it is more common in women than men. This may be due to the lower availability of Oestrogen. Migraines can affect the pattern of a woman’s menstrual cycle, which can cause them to change when she goes through menopause.


    Migraines can have a significant impact on the quality and happiness of a person’s daily life. It can affect not only the person affected but also the lives and health of others who are in close proximity to them. Sometimes, attacks can be so severe that sufferers may need to stop doing their normal activities for several days. Many sufferers have a history of migraine, with 50% of those who have had one. However, it is unknown if this condition is hereditary. People who suffer from migraines may have an inherited abnormality in blood vessel regulation.

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