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    How To Manage Migraine Pain?

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    Children are more likely to experience abdominal migraines. Many children who suffer from abdominal migraines become migrainers as they get older. Although abdominal migraine is not uncommon in adults, it’s rare. It is more common in females than it is in males, just like other types of migraine. Although the exact cause of abdominal headaches is not known, it is highly probable that it is related to serotonin deficiencies.


    Multiple studies have linked migraines to serotonin deficiency. 90% of the body’s serotonin production is in the stomach. When serotonin is deficient, it causes a cascading wave of nerve reactions in the brain that triggers a migraine. A similar process may also be occurring in the abdomen.

    Acupressure, a non-invasive treatment option, has a high success rate for migraineurs (people who suffer migraine headaches). It is a proven pain relief technique. Acupressure can also reduce the intensity and frequency of migraine attacks.


    Traditional Chinese Medicine identifies over 800 vital energy points within the human body. These points are located along meridians that run through a person’s entire body. Chi, or life energy flows along the meridians. It also flows through the energy points in healthy individuals. A blockage or excess of chi near certain energy points can cause illness and pain.

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    Acupressure massage uses pressure to stimulate the body’s healing mechanisms and release chi. You can massage the energy points with your thumb, fingers, or a blunt object in a circular fashion using medium pressure. An all-over head massage is the simplest form of acupressure that a migraineur could learn. The practitioner simply needs to massage the scalp like they were washing their hair.

    Take Note

    To perform neck and head acupressure, the practitioner should place the elbows on a table so that they don’t strain the arms. The best way to relieve migraine pain is to apply moderate pressure to the GB20 points. They can be found on either side the neck, about one inch from each side of your spinal column, just below the connection between the skull and neck muscles.

    GB20 is also known as “The Gates of Consciousness”, which sounds more romantic in Chinese. Deep breathing is a great way to ease headaches and neck pain. You can also use your thumbs to press firmly onto the GB20 points for up to two minutes. Home practitioners can try pressing and releasing the points for five to fifteen seconds, if this feels painful.

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