    HomeImmune SystemHow To Heal Breast Cancer?

    How To Heal Breast Cancer?

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    A lot of research has been dedicated to the treatment of cancer in the past 60 years. High tech treatments are currently being developed which can boost survival rates and decrease the horrible side effects of the highly poisonous radiation and drugs that are the foundations of most medical cancer treatments.

    Did you know?

    New surgical techniques such as arthroscopic have greatly helped physicians in removing tumors. Indeed, medical science has every reason to be both pleased and optimistic about the prospects of cancer therapy in the 21st Century. But very little research has been done on the psychological causes of cancer. Why, as an instance, are certain cancers such as colon, breast, and prostate cancer such epidemics in our society? This sort of research couldn’t just help us to alter the structures of our culture to greatly lessen the incidence of these diseases, it might give us a wealth of information about the best way best to cure these afflictions.

    As a hypnotherapist who has specialized in obtaining these underlying causes for 25 years of work with cancer patients I’ve found some important answers to this question. Take breast cancer. According to recent study one out of every eight women will suffer breast cancer in her lifetime. 20 years back that figure was one in ten. To explain this as a growing epidemic is a serious understatement.

    Let’s understand it

    Allow me to illustrate this with a medical mystery from the past. In 19th century England, during the summit of the first industrial revolution, it’s estimated that over 75 percent of deaths were attributed to one disease: ingestion. We now know this outbreak was directly made by the acid-filled coal smoke that poured from the chimneys of England’s factories and houses, together with a virulent strain of tuberculosis which thrived in the cold damp climate, overcrowded tenements, and polluted atmosphere of England.

    The incidence of wool and coal dust from the filthy factories that used children as young as six also contributed to the outbreak. Also contributing was an air of fatalism which dominated the collective consciousness of the moment. Because everyone in this society saw the exact same thing all day long, the civilization entered a sort of group hypnotic trance in which this sort of pandemic was viewed as fate. It was simply assumed that many people died before forty of lung disease.

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    While physicians worked hard, and largely in vain, to stem the tide of this epidemic with several remedies, very few had the foresight or the guts to challenge the societal institutions that perpetuated this veritable holocaust. Nowadays it’s easy to point the finger at these ignorant doctors. We are aware that lungs are used for breathing, so we examine the stuff people were breathing in. A similarly pragmatic approach helped researchers determine that the link between lung cancer and smoking in the 1960’s.


    What can we learn from such discoveries about the breast cancer epidemic of the late 20th and 21st Century? To discover the meaning of this epidemic we need no advanced degree in biochemistry or oncology. We need simply to research what breasts are used for, and examine how women’s breasts are used in our culture. Obviously, the principal goal of breasts is to nourish infants. However a number of societal changes during the past half century have contributed to a precipitous drop in breast feeding.

    These modifications include women entering the workforce in huge numbers, replacement of breast feeding with infant formula, and the postponement or cancellation of child bearing by women that are career oriented. Like the industrial revolution of the 19th century, these changes have improved many areas of life, such as giving women freedom to pursue many exciting goals outside the house. I’m no Taliban terrorist who would opt to roll back all of the gains women have made in the past 60 years.

    But we’ve made these improvements at the price of an epidemic of breast cancer. And until now nobody has been willing to find out what we’ve created. The study bears out this theory. Among the risk factors which predict higher rates of breast cancer we find some fascinating statistics. If a woman waits until her thirties to have kids, if she doesn’t breast feed them, if she does not have any kids, each one these factors increase a woman’s statistical likelihood of getting breast cancer.

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    Let’s see…

    Ask yourself this question: If you’re a breast, and nobody ever paid any attention to you, nobody ever allow you to fulfill your goal, what would you do? Obviously I don’t reveal these secrets unless I have an answer for them inside the world of hypnotherapy. And there is a simple answer. While it’s usually impossible to receive my breast cancer customers into active breast feeding, I’ve discovered that it is only necessary for the customer to actively envision themselves breastfeeding so as to stimulate breast tissue to fix itself. Some customers envision the joy of breastfeeding their now grown children as babies through regression therapy. Some customers simply envision breast feeding an inner child.

    Some clients are taught to hold a doll or stuffed animal and nurse it like a baby, occasionally using gentle massage in their breasts like the squeezing related to nursing. This creates pleasant tingling sensations within the breast that rapidly lead to a stream of healing hormones and blissful feelings throughout the body. I’m highly skeptical of too simplistic notions about any disease procedure. So it is important to bear in mind that just your breast is aware of what issues have contributed to its disease.

    Keep in mind

    Sometimes it’s important to process feelings of loss, grief, or guilt which are connected with the customer’s breasts. One client found her cancerous right breast was tired of”nursing” her mentally immature husband, who always slept on her right side . Another felt guilty about not nursing her kids and had to beg their forgiveness. One easy way to get into the breast’s psychological baggage is to journey into the breast in a hypnotic state, or speak with the breast in hypnosis as though it were a individual to learn what issues are haunting it.

    Notice that in both these examples, the nurturing function of the breast has been twisted or failed in some way. The results? Stimulation of healthy flow and activation of immune system activity inside the breast because of all these procedures have contributed to tumor reduction or elimination in several of cases I have examined. Obviously double blind studies in a hospital setting are still years off for this very simple but effective treatment alternative, since there are no millions of dollars in profit to be made.

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    So I recommend you don’t await the medical industry to catch up with the obvious. Remember all the physicians trying in vain to see to the consumptive patients of the 19th Century? Wherever possible, I encourage my clients to work closely with their oncologist. It appears to me that combining the methods described in this article with the most current in new medical treatments is the ideal formula for simple and complete recovery.


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