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    Healthy Emotion

    How To Stop Teenage Cutting?

    Teenage cutting is a dangerous game which can result in permanent psychological damage to...

    Is She Interested?

    You're in the bookstore and this cute girl stands next to you, browsing in...

    What Causes Depression?

    Depression affects many of individuals, and this guide will touch on 3 reasons why...

    How To Relieve Depression In The Elderly?

    It's not uncommon for people in the Appalachian area, particularly the elderly, to tell...

    Do Support Groups Help With Depression?

    Because the holidays approach, you may be feeling several emotions. The holiday season are...

    Who Is Most Likely To Suffer From Depression?

    According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), depression is a common mental disorder that...

    Can Reiki Treat Depression?

    Reiki Masters think that thought is energy vibrating at a really large frequency while...

    What Is The Healing Power Of The Brain?

    In a public library in Bridgeport, Connecticut, I gave a fifteen-minute talk on how...

    How to easily Beat Depression?

    Your mental health is an wonderful part of what makes you as an individual....

    Can Busy People practice Energy Healing?

    In today's society of working mothers, hectic schedules and endless responsibilities, it is no...

    How Does Anger Affects Your Health?

    The effects of anger on health have more to do with length than frequency...

    What is the Unconscious Wisdom in Humankind?

    I didn't expect to have the ability to simplify Carl Jung's complex process of...


    Do Home Remedies For Sore Throat Work?

    A sore throat, also known as strep throat, is a sensation of pain in...

    Are There Health Hazards In Your Baby’s Nursery?

    Would you introduce your newborn baby to formaldehyde, polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and pesticides?...

    Which Natural Supplements Boost The Immune Function?

    HIV and AIDS is a health problem that has confounded the medical community since...

    How To Get Headache And Migraine Relief?

    So most of us endure needlessly from head aches or migraines regularly. The usual...