

    Can I Detox My Spleen With Feng Shui?

    In Western literature the spleen has ever been denigrated and in medication mostly ignored....

    Why Is The Turquoise Stone So Mystical?

    Turquoise is an ancient gem, and has been highly regarded in a number of...

    Could Ganoderma Treat Cancer?

    By definition, Ganoderma is a"mushroom" in the green and lively Mycetes plant kingdom in...

    What To Do Against Toxic Poisoning?

    My travel toxins probably started around the same time as yours. I wanted to...

    Can Green Tea Boost Your Immunity?

    It's no secret that antioxidants have a wide selection of health benefits. From combating...

    How To Teach Children And Teens About Mandalas?

    Mandalas are geometric patterns starting from a central dot, working out in repetitive patterns,...

    Does Yoga Fight Stress?

    A research in England indicates that over 30 percent of girls aren't pleased with...

    What Is Organic Yoga?

    Yoga is the spiritual art of rejuvenation, it was originated in India and has...

    What About Previous Personalities?

    Deeply buried inside your subconscious mind are several personalities from previous incarnations. That's the...

    What Is Cosmetic Allergy?

    The American Academy of Dermatology has shown that on the average, adult Americans use...

    How To Prevente Yoga Injuries?

    Eager anticipation is what most people feel on enrolling in another yoga class. Often,...

    Does Ganoderic Acid Balance Hormones?

    Medicinal mushrooms have been used for several years in the eastern hemisphere of the...


    What Are Abdominal Migraines?

    An abdominal migraine is a pain in the abdomen that does not include a...

    What are the common Uses for Bach Flower Essences?

    For centuries, our ancestors used natural remedies to help people with physical or mental...

    Can Yogurt Treat Yeast Infection?

    You probably know that yeast infections are not fun. Although symptoms can vary from...

    Are There Natural Remedies For Hormonal Problems In Women?

    Hormonal problems are something that a woman can face at any point in her...