    DomovBolečinaKaj vedeti o migrenah?

    Kaj vedeti o migrenah?

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    People often confuse a migraine with a normal headache. They don’t know much about it. It is actually a neurological condition. Migraine is a neurological disease that requires a mild dose of medication. Migraine sufferers need special care and treatment. Migraine can make it impossible for someone to do their normal daily activities for a certain period of time. Migraine sufferers often experience severe headaches and abdominal pain.


    Most often, they complain of weakness and dizziness in their bodies. They may also experience nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, high temperatures, and vomiting. They are more sensitive to sound, light and smell. They may also experience blurred vision. There are generally four phases to Migraine. They are prodrome, aura and pain. The patient suffering from Migraine can experience the prodrome phase. This is when they begin to feel symptoms like weakness, fever, headaches, and other signs.

    This phase is when Migraine symptoms start to grow. The Aura phase is where the main symptoms of migraine are evident. The pain phase of migraine is when the patient experiences severe headaches or a real migraine headache. The postdrom phase is the final phase of Migraine headache.

      Kateri so najboljši načini za lajšanje bolečin pri migreni?

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    There are many reasons Migraine can occur. Migraine can be caused by high stress or sudden rest. This disturbs the Central Nervous System and usually causes headaches while you are resting. To avoid headache attacks, it is important to avoid long sleeps. Hormonal fluctuations can also cause migraines. Stress and over-excitement can cause hormonal fluctuations.

    Exercising adrenaline can cause high adrenaline levels, which can lead to headache attacks. Migraine can also be caused by irregular sleep patterns. While it can be enjoyable to sleep for long periods of time on weekends or after a tiring day, the attack could be triggered if you don’t get enough sleep. Migraine is most often caused by smoking. Research shows that over half of Migraine sufferers have stopped smoking and become migraine-free.

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    Certain eating habits that aren’t healthy for you can lead to Migraine symptoms. You can treat migraines by following certain diets that help to reduce the frequency of your migraine attacks. Reduce your intake of salt, chocolate, red wine and caffeine. You can reduce stress levels and decrease the likelihood of developing migraines. To eliminate stress from one’s life, it is important to change his lifestyle to be stress-free and free of pressure. Yoga and mental exercise can help reduce stress levels.

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