    HomePainWhat are classic Migraine Causes?

    What are classic Migraine Causes?

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    What are the classic causes of migraine attacks? Although science isn’t certain about the exact causes of migraine attacks, there is sufficient evidence to suggest that certain environmental and hereditary factors may be triggers. The number of treatments available for migraine headache sufferers is increasing as science becomes more aware of the causes. The trigeminal nervous system, which is a major pain pathway in your nervous systems, may be the source of migraine headaches.

    Brain Chemicals

    This system is responsible for causing brain chemicals to travel to your outer brain covering and increase blood flow and inflammation. This can lead to classic migraine symptoms like severe, pounding headaches, sensitivity to light and sound, nausea, vomiting, and even paralysis. Research shows that genetics can play a significant role in migraine onset.

    They can be caused by a variety of factors, both internal and externe. It is important to identify your migraine triggers as part of a preventative strategy for migraine treatment. It is a good idea to start a migraine journal in which you can track all details about your migraine headaches.


    This will help you to identify the causes of your migraine so that you can avoid them in future. You should keep a migraine diary that includes the frequency, severity, and duration of your headaches. It is also important to keep track of the meals you ate and the circumstances that occurred in the 24 hours before a migraine. This information will help you understand your migraine triggers and help your family doctor diagnose the cause of your migraine and prescribe the best treatment.

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    Sometimes migraine symptoms can be confused for other severe headache types like a tension headache or sinus headache, daily chronic headaches, cluster headaches, or other severe headaches. It is important to consult your doctor to confirm the diagnosis. Below is a list of classic migraine causes.


    These factors may be triggers for migraine attacks in some people, according to strong scientific evidence. Migraine triggers can be caused by a variety of foods and poor diet. Beer, chocolate, MSG and dairy products are all possible migraine triggers. A migraine headache can be caused by bright lights or flashing lights, cfl light, sun glare, and strong odors like second-hand smoke or paint.

    Pre-menstrual syndrome is a common cause of migraine headaches in women. Hormone replacement therapy and oral contraceptives can also increase the frequency and severity of migraines. Stress at work or at home is another trigger for migraines. Reduce stress in your life. Migraine can be caused by disruptions in sleep patterns, changes in exercise, sexual activity, hormones or back or neck pain.

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    Migraines can be caused by changes in weather, season, altitude, time zones, barometric pressure, or time zones. Although science is still trying to determine the exact cause of migraines, there is increasing evidence that points to possible triggers. These factors are individual and can vary from person to person. It is crucial to understand your triggers and migraine causes in order to get a diagnosis and follow-up treatment. You can monitor these triggers by keeping a migraine journal and learning more about migraine headaches.



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