    HomePainIs my Diet causing my Migraine Headaches?

    Is my Diet causing my Migraine Headaches?

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    Migraine headaches can be a serious problem for those who suffer from them. You can prevent migraines by learning what triggers migraines in your environment and trying to eliminate or control them. This may mean avoiding certain foods. Although studies show that migraines are less than 25% caused by food, it is important to find out if you fall into the 25% category. There are two types of foods you should be aware of: one is general and the other is specific. This will help you determine if your migraines are being triggered by certain foods.


    • Foods containing tyramine. Tyramine can be found in some aged cheeses. The amount of tyramine will vary depending on how the cheese was aged and processed. People who are taking monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAO) medications to treat headaches should avoid any foods containing tyramine. This includes aged cheeses, red wines, alcoholic beverages, as well as some processed meats.
    • Alcohol: The most common headache triggers are red wine, beer and whiskey. Drinking alcoholic beverages can increase blood flow to the brain, which can lead to migraines.
    • Food additives: Some people can get migraines from food additives like nitrates or nitrites. This causes blood vessels to dilate, which can lead to migraines.
    • Cold foods: Nearly everyone has experienced a “brain thaw” after drinking or eating cold substances. It is more common if you are exercising too much or if it is very warm. Your head feels a sharp pain that can peak in between 25 and 60 seconds. However, it can last for several seconds to a few minutes. 90% of migraine sufferers report feeling sensitive to cold substances and ice cream.
    • Caffeine is found in chocolate, cocoa, and beverages such as tea, coffee, and colas. Many people are also sensitive to artificial sweeteners such as aspartame. The key to preventing migraines, in summary, is to pay attention and identify your trigger points, such as certain foods. You can reduce the severity and frequency of migraines by learning to control triggers like food.
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