    HomeImmune SystemDo You Want To Understand How Your Immune System Works?

    Do You Want To Understand How Your Immune System Works?

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    Our immune system is a complex organization of cells and organs that function to defend against germs. At least, that’s the present comprehension of how it works. However, due to the complexity of the machine, and the elements within the machine, it might be that it also has other functions which haven’t yet been identified. At this point doctors think that the immune system protects the body from infections and disorders.

    Did you know?

    It works to identify germs from different cells, like tumors, that could cause diseases and then to remove them from the body. It accomplishes this using many distinct kinds of cells and integrating a number of the vitamins and trace minerals needed for biological and biochemical processes. The job of the immune system is quite hard because cells and pathogens can accommodate themselves or redesign themselves, trying to sneak under the radar, so to speak.

    However, the immune system can also be complicated with specific cells which have specialized functions. Human beings also have the additional protection of an system which can also adapt. After exposure to a certain pathogen it upgrades the response technology within the body which aids antibodies to recognize a pathogen and react more quickly next time your system is assaulted. This learning curve enables the body to react better and faster and is known as an immunological memory. This memory could be significantly impacted in a negative manner when an individual doesn’t get the standard number of common colds or illnesses since they’re overly protected or get an extraordinary variety of vaccines.

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    When the immune system isn’t challenged it is unable to fight infections as well when they do happen. There’s on-going research to ascertain if a reduced capacity to recognize bacterial and viral infections may also increase the risk that the immune system will perceive itself, its own body, as a pathogen and so lead to an immune mediated diseases, such as lupus. There are four distinct specific organs within the body that interrelate and function together with the immune system.

    The first is that the bone marrow, found in the middle of the larger long bones. All the cells of the immune system originally come from the bone marrow and differentiate, or change, into adult cells or precursors that then work in the body. The thymus is a gland located in the torso which produces mature T cells. The immature precursors leave the bone marrow and migrate to the thymus. These T cells are beneficial to the immune system and are released into the blood by the thymus gland. The spleen is a huge organ located in the abdominal cavity whose job it is to filter the blood. The spleen consists of B cells and T cells in addition to macro phages and dendritic cells.

    How do spleen works?

    The spleen works to capture foreign material and then initiates an immune reaction. Additionally, the spleen also destroys old red blood cells so as to make space for new ones which are constantly being fabricated. The final system is that the lymph nodes that also be an immunological filter. These nodes can be found around the body and are composed mostly of T cells, B cells and dendritic cells. It functions much like the spleen just filtering lymph substance rather than blood.

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    The food that we consume, the minerals and vitamins we ingest, our surroundings, in addition to the quantity of sleep we get all interact in the general health and well-being of the immune system. As an example, those people to maintain excessive sugar in the diet will find that they suffer from an increased risk of disease and allergies since the sugar disrupts the immune system’s ability to function appropriately.


    Researchers have the ability to identify diminished activity in number of white blood cells from the immune system in people who consume glucose. The immune system of the human body is an incredibly intricate process that utilizes many elements to be able to achieve a successful outcome. Viruses and bacteria will continue to mutate and so the immune system must stay vigilant. The only manner in which this vigilance and protection can occur in an optimal fashion is when the body is fed an proper quantity of minerals and vitamins.


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