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    Did You Know These Beauty And Health Tips?

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    Are you tired of expensive, harsh chemicals and expensive medications? Simple Vinegar is inexpensive and easily available. Below are our top 10 tips. White Vinegar can be used for all our Top Green Living Tips. However, Organic Cider Vinegar offers the best health benefits and has more natural enzymes.

    Take note

    • To upset your stomach, mix two teaspoons of Apple Cider Vinegar (preferably organic), into a glass water and drink slowly.
    • For cough relief, mix half a cup Apple Cider Vinegar and half a cup hot water. Add 4 teaspoons Honey and 1 teaspoon Cayenne Pepper. Add the honey to the glass and stir.
    • Insect bites: Neat Vinegar is great to relieve the pain and irritation caused by mosquito bites, minor jellyfish and beestings. Use neat and place a cotton wool pad on affected areas. For jelly-fish stings always seek medical advice.
    • Sunburns or itchy skin: Add one cup of Cider Vinegar to a warm bath and relax! The Vinegar will soothe your skin and relieve any symptoms.
    • Lose Weight! : Vinegar can help suppress your appetite. Cider Vinegar’s extra potassium can help your cells burn calories. It can be sprinkled lightly on salads and meals. It works well with salad dressings!
    • Hair Cleanse: Shampoo your hair as usual, then rinse it with warm water containing a few tablespoons of Vinegar. Vinegar is great to remove soap residues and create subtle highlights in your hair.
    • Sore Throat: Mix one teaspoon of Vinegar in a glass water.
    • Common Cold: Combine 1/4 cup of Apple Cider Vinegar and 1/4 cup honey. Take one teaspoon six times daily.
    • Sinus infection: Add 1/4 cup vinegar to a steam-vapouriser and inhale. To trap the steam, place a bowl of steaming water over your head and hold a towel above your head. Then inhale slowly.
    • Skin Toner: Apple Cider Vinegar can be used to moisturize your skin and restore its natural pH levels. Mix one third Vinegar and two thirds of water, and apply to your skin before you begin your morning moisturising routine. This is not meant to be considered medical advice. If in doubt, always consult your doctor first.
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