    HomeAllergyWhat Is The Link Between Allergic Reactions And Anaphylactic Shock?

    What Is The Link Between Allergic Reactions And Anaphylactic Shock?

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    The immune system is a highly effective protection against viruses, bacteria, parasites, and some other germs that may negatively impact your health. While this is extremely beneficial for preventing you from getting sick from every germ that you contact, your immune system may become too sensitive to some things, called allergens.


    Allergies are in fact an overreaction by the immune system, and the worst kind of reaction is called anaphylaxis. Normally, your immune system can successfully fight off a damaging pathogen without you noticing anything except that you’re getting better. However, sometimes you will notice allergies.

    Allergies happen when your immune system attacks something benign, such as pollen or mold spores. This overreaction contributes to the production of histamine, which leads to a itchy eyes, runny nose, and scratchy throat. Most individuals notice allergies with plant products, such as cedar, but it may also be caused by dust, insect venom, pet dander, foods, or even drugs. Oftentimes, finding an allergy to animals, food, or insect bites is trial and error.

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    Good to know

    Typically, you won’t suffer from an allergic reaction the first time you come into contact with these. It’s the second encounter that typically spurs a reaction. You may then get tested by a doctor to ascertain the precise cause of your suffering. Sometimes, an allergic reaction can turn fatal. This is known as anaphylaxis. Instead of slowly reacting to the allergen, your immune system releases a direct, strong flood of chemicals to your body, which may cause you to go into shock. If a individual with anaphylactic shock isn’t treated immediately, it may lead to death as it can prevent your breathing or even your heart.


    Once you know of any allergies you have, you should avoid these allergens to prevent anaphylaxis. Thus, it’s necessary to always warn your doctor of any medication or latex allergies that you might have so that you’re not accidentally put in touch with these harmful substances. However, if a physician ignores your warning, you can be placed in grave danger. If you’ve suffered from an allergic reaction or anaphylactic shock due to doctor negligence, you should fight back. Speak to a legal professional to assist you protect your rights under the law.

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