    ДомойИммунная системаЧто такое молочница?

    Что такое молочница?

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    Moreover, certain prescription medications can offset the balance of natural organisms in the body. Such drugs include the elongated use of: chemotherapy, antibiotics, AIDS/HIV remedies, antihistamines, steroids and oral contraceptives with a high estrogen content. Different areas of the body can be affected with Thrush: Oral and Esophageal Candidiasis are fungal infections that occur in the throat and mouth, whereas Candidiasis located in the genital region (it can be sexually transmitted) affects both women and men.


    Thrush in the mouth looks like creamy white spots or small reddish spots on the tongue, roof of the mouth, gums or throat. This sort of Thrush can be extremely painful to swallow and may lead to chest pain. Oral Candidiasis is found in babies, the elderly, young children, and may also be an early symptom of AIDS.

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    If left untreated in AIDS and HIV patients Oral Candidiasis can become a significant problem, because people with the disease develop the uterus deep inside the body–in this stage, treatment becomes difficult. Candidiasis in the genitalia area is usually called a”yeast infection” and is recognized by a “cabin cheese-like” discharge. Men and young boys might suffer from yeast infections, however; the condition more commonly affects healthy girls of all ages, people who are pregnant, and sometimes, it’s also an indicator of the AIDS virus in women.

    Holistic way

    The holistic approach to treating Candidiasis is to administer natural treatments, which cure the human body as an entire organism. Most of all, the cause itself needs to be cured so the symptoms completely disappear. The link between diet and the health of the immune system is extremely strong. Notably, sugar, milk, yeast, wheat, caffeine, alcohol and smoking are the main culprits in the reinforcement of Candidiasis development.

    Holistic health professionals recommend diets high in fiber, essential fatty acids, olive oil, vegetables, fruits, cranberries, and garlic. Many alternative herbal remedies are utilized to treat Thrush. As an example, gargling with Tea Tree Oil diluted with water frequently treats Oral Candidiasis. Furthermore, Tea Tree Oil suppositories and douches are usually prescribed for Vaginal Candidiasis, along with the oral treatment of Oregon Grape Root, Vitamin C, Lactobacilli Acidophilus, Flax Seed Oil, and Goldenseal. Because of how Genital Candidiasis might be sexually transmitted, holistic healthcare professionals always advocate using condoms and other safe-sex preventative steps.

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