    ДомойИммунная системаКакие распространенные инфекции вызываются Candida?

    Какие распространенные инфекции вызываются Candida?

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    There are many ailments that are caused by Candida, particularly the species Candida Albicans, in several areas of the body. This sort of oral disease usually occurs if there is an overproduction of Candida Albicans. Additionally it is common among denture wearers and happens to both very young and older who are recovering from illness or have an immune system issue.


    Likewise, people that are having dry mouth syndrome are also prone to getting Candidiasis. Candida could be triggered by antibiotic therapy, which reduces normal bacteria in the mouth. Good oral hygiene is encouraged to stop Candidiasis. Dentures should also be eliminated particularly before going to bed. There are saliva substitutes as well as prescribed drugs which might be used to deal with some acute case of oral thrush.


    This is a disease that occurs in the folds of the skin, most commonly found on obese people. Redness and moisture from the skin fold can also be observed. Small pustules appear around elevated areas of skin that is inflamed and are usually full of pus or papules around the primary area of redness. Likewise, peeling, swelling and itching are also experienced. This is one of the most frequent Candida infections, found mostly in women.

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    The symptoms include itching and swelling of the vagina along with a thick, cream or white discharge. There’s also pain during sex. There’s an observed redness with migraines that oftentimes extends into the groin area. Vulvovaginitis is dominant among pregnant women and recurs often in women who are using birth control pills. Men can also suffer with vulvovaginitis and this is indicated by inflammation which may be viewed on the head of the penis. There may be swelling, and also small red papules or pustules, and often a burning sensation after sexual activity. This is the sort of infection that’s usually seen in babies because of diaper rashes.

    Заключительное примечание

    However it shouldn’t be supposed that all diaper rashes are the result of Candida. There are symptoms and signs like small fragile pustules which are often dry and generally peel. Additionally, this disease is accompanied by company red nodules of 1 to 2cm on the vulva or the buttocks. There’s also nodular granulomatous Candida or granulomatous gluteale infantum. This disease usually clears over time. This is an example of a Candida infection that happens on the nails. People who contract these kinds of infections generally have their hands in water or manage food on a regular basis as meals promotes the growth of yeast.

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    The regions around the nails are often swollen with no cuticles. There’s also postural discharge that contributes to nail discoloration and often times led to the removal of the nail base. Additionally, this is called lateral onycholysis. This is an example of a recurrent Candida infection that doesn’t respond to medical therapies. This is the kind of disease is visible in the mouth and on the skin. It can be observed on babies and children. It’s characterized by persistent oral rashes which could be hypertrophic and create thick plaque in the mouth. Chronic paronychia is triggered by redness around the nail folds. This infection is generally a genetic condition that’s either recessive or dominant. Additionally, it may cause endocrine disorders like hypothyroidism or hypoparathyroidism.


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