    ДомойИммунная системаЯвляется ли рафинированный сахар токсичным?

    Является ли рафинированный сахар токсичным?

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    Today, in America and the rest of the world, people are consuming more sugar than they need on a daily basis. The typical American consumes three times as much sugar today than twenty years back, causing obesity that contributes to type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Today, about 70 percent of adults are either overweight or obese and about 20% of children are obese also.

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    Lots of the food you buy has added sugars in them, which helps to boost the issue of obesity which leads to type 2 diabetes. Refined sugar removes a number of the minerals and vitamins we need to nourish our bodies leaving us only with carbs depleting the body of necessary nutrients. Because of this, the processed sugar, you eat turns into trans fats that cause high cholesterol and type 2 diabetes.

    In organic sugar, the sugarcane functions to metabolize carbohydrates which burn off energy. On the other hand, refined sugar has bad carbohydrates that cause fatigue. This contributes to the creation of “toxic metabolites” such as pyruvic acid inducing abnormal sugars which contains five atoms. Pyruvic acid accumulates in the brain, central nervous system and red blood cells also, which become poisonous.

    Что происходит?

    This poisonous substance interferes with oxygen in the cells so that they can’t or operate normally. Because of this, over time, it causes the body to break down, which induces degenerative diseases like type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, stroke and other medical issues. Large amounts of sugar on a daily basis can cause a condition depleting the body of minerals which protects you from the effort to rectify imbalances.

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    So as to guard your blood, the body requires a great deal of calcium to prevent tooth decay. Over time, sugar starts to invade the organs in our bodies, causing this poisonous substance to be stored in the liver in the kind of”glucose” The liver can handle so much processed sugar until it expands like a balloon. When the liver gets overfilled it turns into “glycogen” returning into the bloodstream in the kind of fatty acids. Because of this, it is stored in the regions of the stomach, buttocks, thighs, breasts and arms.

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    Over a time period, fatty acids start to enter into the organs such as the heart, liver, pancreas, and kidneys over time, leading to tissue damage resulting in type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and higher cholesterol. Also, parasympathetic nervous system becomes affected in the brain, leading to fatigue. Refined sugar causes the immune system to break down over time caused by the inability to fight against colds, infections, mosquito bites, and the flu. Sugar has an impact on the brain leading to brain malfunction.

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    For the brain to function normally, it requires glutamic acid that’s found in vegetables and fruits. B vitamins, also plays a significant role in dividing glutamic acid to antagonistic-complementary compounds that produce a “control” reaction in the brain. Vitamin B is produced by symbiotic bacteria which lives in our intestines.


    Over time, once we ingest processed sugar, the symbiotic bacteria in our intestines die and wither, which lowers vitamin B levels in the blood. Too much sugar makes us fatigue and causes us to work less in our everyday activities. We will need to remember to eat more fruits and vegetables and to keep away from processed foods, particularly sugar. So the next time you store at your nearest grocery store, don’t forget to check the ingredients to see what’s in the foods that you buy.


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