    ДомойДомашнее средствоСуществует ли простое в применении домашнее средство от изжоги?

    Существует ли простое в применении домашнее средство от изжоги?

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    Примите к сведению

    The good news is that the ingredients can be purchased at any health shop and are much cheaper than over-the-counter medications. Additionally, you don’t need to have a prescription from your doctor.

    • Apple cider vinegar is a popular home remedy for heartburn. It is best to use organic apple cider vinegar. Add two to four tablespoons or more to eight ounces water and drink it three times daily.
    • Chewing gum provides immediate relief for heartburn by neutralizing acid in your throat and mouth. Aloe vera juices and honey also have the same effect. Aloe vera is a natural remedy for heartburn. However, you should also use the gel or juice that is meant for internal use. These can be purchased at health shops. You can’t squeeze the leaves to extract the juice. This will cause the latex, which is laxative, to be released. You can soothe an irritated stomach by drinking a quarter of a cup of the juice 20 minutes before you eat.
    • You may find relief by eating 6-8 blanched almonds when you have heartburn. To avoid further discomfort, make sure you chew them thoroughly.
    • Ginger can also relieve stomach pain. Ginger can help you digest properly and soothe your esophagus. It can be taken as a tea, or even as a capsule. A 500mg serving of ginger is recommended by most herbalists. You can also take two ginger capsules with your meals.
    • Apple Honey can also be used to neutralize stomach acids.
    • Papaya must always be eaten whole to reap the natural benefits of its enzyme, papain. To reduce stomach acidity, you can also drink 1 teaspoon of papaya juice mixed with 2 pinches cardamom and 1 teaspoon of sugar.
    • Cinnamon is a traditional remedy to reduce acidity. A cinnamon tea can be made in one cup of water. You can also try the commercial brand, but make sure to check the label for black tea. Black tea mixed with cinnamon tea can cause heartburn.
    • Baking pumpkin can help with heartburn. You can make it more heartburn-friendly by adding cinnamon to the mix or baking a baked pumpkin with apple pie compote, which is sweetened with honey and cinnamon.
    • Yogurt should contain live cultures if you want to use it. These microorganisms can be very helpful in treating digestive problems.
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