    ДомойБольВызвана ли моя головная боль опухолью?

    Вызвана ли моя головная боль опухолью?

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    Nearly everyone has experienced a headache from time to time. These headaches are not usually a sign of a more serious condition. Sometimes, however, the headache may be a sign of underlying conditions or diseases. There are two types: primary and secondary headaches. Primary headaches are simply a headache. Secondary headaches occur when another health condition, such as a disease or infection, brain tumor, is present. Secondary headaches are a sign of a primary health condition.


    It is possible to determine whether your headaches are a symptom of a more serious condition by looking at these factors. This is not normal if you have more than three headaches per week. A doctor should be consulted if you have more than three headaches per week. If you take painkillers almost every single day or if your pain is getting worse, you should consult a doctor.

    A headache that suddenly occurs after a fall or other head injury can indicate a serious problem. Medical attention is needed immediately. You should seek immediate medical attention if you experience a severe headache that is sudden and intense.

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    Будьте в курсе

    There are many reasons you should seek immediate medical attention, including a headache that is accompanied with a fever, seizures or double vision, stiff neck, loss or confusion of mental focus, severe headaches, and severe headaches. If you are over 50 and experiencing headache pains that you have never experienced before, it is time to seek medical attention.

    Migraine headaches can be experienced on one side of your head but can switch sides depending on the headache. Sometimes the pain can be on one side for a headache, and then switch sides the next time. This is normal. If the pain is constant on one side, it could be a sign of a brain tumor.

    Brain Tumors

    Brain tumors are often associated with other symptoms. As the tumor pushes against the brain’s tissues, they can cause loss of sensation or function. A tumor can also cause loss of balance, vision problems, and other side effects. It is important to seek medical attention immediately if you experience any symptoms that may be caused by a tumor in the brain. The sooner a tumor can be found, the better your chances of a successful treatment.

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