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    Существуют ли китайские домашние средства от грибка ногтей на ногах?

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    These Chinese home remedies for toenail fungal disease are so effective that many people still prefer them over the more advanced treatments. There are four popular Chinese home remedies that can be used to treat toenail fungal disease. We will give you a brief description so that you can choose the one that suits you best.

    Домашние процедуры

    These Chinese home remedies for toenail yeast infection will reduce the skin’s dampness and eliminate yeast infection. It can also improve the performance of your spleen, and the entire digestive system. It can also be used to treat gastritis and diarrhea. These Chinese home remedies for fungal nail infections and moniasis are highly effective. It completely eradicates the fungus and eliminates the source.

    These treatments are more effective than modern drugs. The fungo off home remedies for toenail and nail fungus are also available in capsules. They cost about 40C per capsule. Components: Zinc oxide, gypsum and kochia.

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    Грибковая инфекция

    Fungo balm Chinese home remedies to toenail fungus works by eliminating dampness in the body, especially on the feet. The fungo balm prevents the spread of infection by removing the moist environment. It also gradually eliminates the fungus. These Chinese home remedies for toenail fungal disease can be bought in 60-gram jars for less than 30 dollars each.

    Components: Borel, cnidium and dictamium mixed in a solution containing vinegar and sugar. The fungo balm and the fungo lotion work together to reduce the skin’s moisture. Apply the balm to the infected fingernail or toenail immediately after applying the lotion.

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