    HomeImmune SystemWhat Is Autism Again?

    What Is Autism Again?

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    Autism is one of the most frequent types of brain development disorder and one in 166 child is diagnosed with some types of autism. Children that are diagnosed with autism often have weak immune system and auto immune issues. The traditional medicine tends to prescribe the moderate type of antibiotic for baby and young children, if they’re diagnosed with disease or inflammation.

    Side effects

    The negative effect of medication, if overdoses or more uses may increase the risk of nutrient deficiency as leading to good bacteria being destroyed, causing imbalance of micro bacteria in the digestive system. Also virus tends to generate resistance to antibiotic if overuse, resulting in diminished immune system in shield our children’s body against other germs. While organic forms of mercury are more readily absorbed when ingested and some forms of mercury are removed from the body very slowly.

    Methyl Mercury in thimerosal is 50 time more toxic than its natural form. There are over 5000 manmade chemicals in our environment and the majority of them are considered quite toxins to us. The immune system of our kids and infant isn’t powerful as we are, even if they’re unintentional exposed to highly toxic substances, they might be unable to secret them, inducing toxins accumulation in the liver and brain cells, resulting in poisoning.

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    There are various kinds of infectious diseases which may be transmitted easily to babies and children, because of imperfection of the immune system like meningitis, causing inflammation to the central nervous system that damages the brain cells of their babies and kids. For what ever reason, particular food chemical compounds that are well tolerated by the majority of the kids, can cause central nervous system inflammation.

    While the inflammation brought on by food allergy can easily cure, but many parents or conventional doctors have made a mistake by not detecting them early, resulting in psychological effect of growth disorder. Some babies was born with low in sulfur amino acid that are important for liver detoxification, causing diminished liver function in removing the toxins from the foods, atmosphere and beverages, resulting in poison entering the blood stream and gathering in mind, causing emotional issues.

    Final note

    Sub clinical hypothyroidism is a sort of thyroid disease which can’t be detected by conventional blood test, it’s frequently found to associate with symptoms of reduced fever, accompanied by cold feet and hands, pale complexion, late teething, difficulty with focusing in college, mood swings and developmental delays or mental retardation, causing diminished immune system and nutrient deficiency, resulting in autism.

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