    InícioBee-WorldComo é feito o mel?

    Como é feito o mel?

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    A bottle of honey is something that everyone knows. Honey isn’t something we are unfamiliar with and we are used it all the time. Honey is a wonderful source of information, but it also hides an extraordinary story. Ever wondered how this happens? Ever wonder how honey is made? I’m sure you are paying attention.

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    Honey is a delicious and healthy food that many people love. Many of us don’t wonder how honey gets to our breakfast tables. We tend to forget many facts and details about honey. It is essential to learn about honey and beekeeping if you are interested in it. A colony is made up of thousands of bees, each with their own tasks. There are three types of bees: the queen, the workers and the drones.

    The queen’s main task is to lay thousands of eggs every day so that the population of bees continues to grow. Every day, thousands of bees are dying. All of the bees that have died will be replaced by the eggs laid by the queen. The queen will continue to produce eggs throughout her life, and these will last three to five years.

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    Workers are the bees who do almost all of the work in the colony. They are also the largest in terms of population. They are the ones who leave their hive to gather food. They can live for up to a month. The drones are the last type. They are the only male bees of the colony, and their only job is to mate with queen to produce eggs. They have the shortest lifespan of all bee species. Let’s now look at how honey bees are made.

    The process of making honey is not an easy one. The worker bees are responsible for collecting nectar from flowers. Once they have collected nectars, the worker bees will return to their hive. It is important to know that bees have 2 stomachs. Both are vital for their survival. The bees will consume the nectar they have stored during the cold months. Some of the nectars will be taken to the main stomach, and the bees will use this as their energy source. The honey-processing stomach will receive the remaining nectar. This enzyme is used by bees to convert the nectar’s sugars. This is how honeybees make it.

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