    InícioDorComo me livrei das minhas enxaquecas?

    Como me livrei das minhas enxaquecas?

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    Esses foram os dias de que sempre me lembrarei. As luzes dos ventiladores de tecto pareciam-me holofotes brilhantes directamente nos meus olhos. Era quase como se as pessoas estivessem a gritar comigo quando falavam comigo. O zumbido nos ouvidos, a sensibilidade da luz, a irritabilidade e o vómito eram demasiados. A melhor maneira de obter alívio destas dores de cabeça que alteram a vida é dormir fora. No entanto, isto nem sempre foi possível. Por vezes, a dor podia durar vários dias.


    As enxaquecas são aquilo a que me estou a referir. Durante mais de dez anos, sofri de enxaquecas. Tinha uma pelo menos uma vez por semana. Mesmo que nunca tenha tido uma, a dor e o desconforto são difíceis de descrever por palavras. As pessoas que nunca tiveram enxaquecas são frequentemente citadas dizendo que é "apenas uma dor de cabeça", e que podem esquecer isso.

    According to the National Headache Foundation, 28 million Americans suffer migraines. I can recall my mom taking me to the doctor. I also recall her taking me to the doctor at night to pick up OTC medication. You would have believed I was pregnant, if you didn’t know.

    Alívio da dor

    Prescription pain pills were prescribed for migraine relief. They were only meant to be used to treat migraine pain. I would prefer to prevent headaches from ever happening. The medication was not effective and could cause nausea, dizziness, light sensitivity, headaches, and vomiting.

    Why are they taking them? As I grew older, I began to take a proactive approach to my overall health. To prevent migraines, I would avoid trigger foods like chocolate, caffeine, and dairy. Despite my best efforts, I still suffered from migraine headaches quite often. These migraine headaches were a horrible time in my life. They not only affected my physical health but also affected my emotional well-being. Even though I didn’t have a migraine, the thought of having one terrified me so much that I kept OTC pain relief in my car, at work and in both my bathrooms at home.

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    I kept one at arm’s reach and would quickly take one if my head started to hurt. Ironically, worrying about them can sometimes cause migraine headaches. Except for frequent migraines, I have always been in good physical condition.

    Factor de stress

    Stress was my only other health problem. A doctor later confirmed that my migraines were directly related to stress. I used to think that if I only had to worry about migraines, I was very lucky. But that doesn’t mean they weren’t painful! I was told many times to ask my doctor for prescription pain pills for my migraines, but I had been there before and didn’t like how it made me feel.

    To be honest, I learned to live with them and not to rely on any other medicine. Would you like to learn how I managed to get rid of my migraines forever 26 was the age I realized that I wasn’t feeling as well as I should.

    Estilo de Vida Saudável

    I was trying to eat right and exercising every day, but something was not right. In the hope that nutritional supplements would provide what my body needed, I began taking them. It wasn’t an overnight success. I tried different supplements from different places and stores. I was initially skeptical. It doesn’t work. I persevered, and I don’t know what it was. Maybe it was persistence or not knowing when to stop.

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    Persistence paid off when I found a few dietary supplements I could see a difference in. One of the products that I was using was a liquid B-12 supplement.


    I noticed a significant increase in energy levels when I started taking the B-12 supplement. However, I didn’t feel shaky or hyper when I first started using it. I felt exactly how I should feel. This is always a good reason to stick with something. A good friend asked me what I do to relieve migraines. After suffering from headaches for three consecutive days, she asked me what I do to relieve them. I thought, “Wow, it’s been a while!” before I replied to her.

    The last time I remember having one was shortly after I started taking the B-12 supplement. I gave her a second bottle of B-12 and explained that it was only by her asking that I realized how long it had been that I had had a migraine in the past. I told her I wasn’t certain if the B-12 was the cause, but that it wouldn’t hurt me to try. Within 30 minutes, her headache was gone! She now takes the B-12 every day and has not had a migraine in 30 years.


    After 13 years of suffering with chronic headaches, I accidentally discovered a way to stop them. It’s funny how life works sometimes, eh?


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