    HomePainHow ara Acid Reflux, Allergies and Headaches related?

    How ara Acid Reflux, Allergies and Headaches related?

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    How can Acid Reflux, Allergies, and Headaches all be connected? The Brain stem, which is an extension of your brain that extends into the upper neck (upper cervical spine), is a part of your brain. If the Atlas or Axis, the top two spine bones, are damaged or twisted due to trauma or other injuries, the brain stem can be injured. Most of these injuries are to either the neck or head. These include car accidents, falls and diving accidents, surfing injuries and snowboarding falls. A common factor is an injury that has caused the spine to be displaced from its normal position in the upper neck.


    This creates a weakness that will allow the head to shift between 10-14 lbs and cause it to fall from its normal position. The brain will need to adjust to this new position. Our eyes and ears were designed to be balanced. If the head is not properly balanced, compensations will be created to restore balance to the body, eyes and ears. This is done by the righting reflex in our brain. This compensation is essential to avoid falling over in gravity environments. This compensation is not permanent. Our bodies must adapt to this structural misalignment over time. We will eventually develop symptoms due to nerve dysfunction. It depends on the individual and the affected nerves.

    The brain stem, which is connected to the Vagus nerves, controls the digestive system. Dysfunction can cause problems such as Acid Reflux, constipation and Irritable Bowel Syndrome. The brain stem has a significant impact on the immune system. It has nerve connections to the sinuses, ears, nose, throat, and lungs. This would explain why we see changes in allergies, sinus problems, frequent flus, and breathing conditions such as asthma.

    What about headaches?

    Headaches can be caused both by blood flow and nerve flow changes between the brain and body. What happens when the brain stem pressure is relieved by an upper cervical specialist who corrects a misaligned upper neck? Amanda, a patient of ours, had suffered multiple neck and head traumas since early childhood. Amanda was dependent on Tums and Advil every day to get through each day. It is over, thank God.

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    Amanda came to this office in the hopes of getting rid of acid reflux. She would lay down every night with it, regardless of what she ate. She also suffered from severe allergies, headaches, and generalized pain and aches throughout her body. Once the problem is diagnosed, our bodies can heal. She’s sleeping better at nights, her sinus passages have cleared, and her breathing has improved. There is no acid reflux! In weeks, she has not had an episode. She doesn’t need to take the Advil or Tums that she used to just as often before. She says that she is happier overall because of the lack of pain and discomfort. She is now more willing to go the extra mile and do more for the Lord, and her work and service have improved.

    Did You Know?

    Since 1500 BC, the Egyptians have been cleansing the colon. It is safe and effective for all ages, including children and seniors. Colon cleansing is vital for your health and elimination of toxins and waste products. A cleansing program is preventative health. There is no better place than the colon to cleanse your body of toxins. Colon cleansing can help with a variety of ailments, including constipation, diarrhea and breath and body smells, colds & flu, allergies, hemorhoids, weight problems and digestive difficulties, back and knee pain, poor vision, poor memory, stress, and many others. Learn how to activate your body’s natural healing energies to restore balance to your health, and your emotions and your life.

    A colon cleanser treatment is so crucial to maintaining a healthy body, many doctors consider it a key to personal well-being. You will feel better and have more energy. Do not put off your health and allow it to function at its best. Drugs and other toxins can damage or kill beneficial bacteria. This can allow harmful bacteria to take over the production of by-products such as ammonia, purines, and ethionine which can lead to cancer. Today’s toxins are more common than ever before in human history. Your colon is just like the pipes in your home.

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    Colon cleansing is believed to have health benefits. It removes toxins from the body and boosts energy and immune system. Toxemia can worsen if you don’t cleanse your body of these toxins regularly. The body will either succumb to cancer, tuberculosis and other fatal diseases if it doesn’t. A colon cleanse is designed to remove toxins that have built up in your digestive tract. American and British research found that detox diets don’t do more than the body’s natural process to eliminate toxins. To survive, we must eliminate toxins. Colon cleansing, also known as bowel irrigation, promotes optimal food absorption and enhanced peristaltic activity by removing old mucoid and toxic accumulation.

    Colon cleansing is preventative medicine. It is the best place to start to eliminate toxins and contamination from your body that could cause cancer, colitis and other digestive disorders, fatigue, obesity, and many other conditions. Colon cleansing has many benefits. They are not only beneficial for your health but also for your appearance. Cellulite, water retention, and other blemishes disappear. The whites of your eyes become brighter and more youthful. A colon cleansing can also help with bloating and gas, as well as a more radiant and youthful appearance.

    Good to Know

    Users also mention fewer menstrual problems, migraines, joint pain, less colds, resolutions of lifelong sinus congestion, skin issues, breast cysts, weight loss and improved concentration. It would be foolish to not start a cleansing program if you have been diagnosed with any of the above conditions. The benefits outweigh the risks. Colon cleanses can help restore our bodies’ optimal function. This includes increasing the nutritional benefits from the calories we eat, increasing our metabolism to burn calories more efficiently, and increasing energy levels to make it easier to exercise and lose weight.

    Colon cleansing is preventative medicine. It is the best place to start to eliminate toxins and contamination from your body that could cause cancer, colitis and other digestive disorders, fatigue, weight gain, and many other conditions. Colon cleansing is an alternative and safe way to treat many of our problems and symptoms. It is important to do it regularly and often, as we are constantly ingesting more food, which causes the colon to accumulate toxic waste. Colon cleansing is vital for good health. Colon cleansing is a great option, and it’s much more effective than many natural treatments. Colon cleansing can be done at any time.

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