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    According the latest article published in the Journal of the American College of Surgeons, African-American women don’t fare well in breast cancer outcomes. The numbers are grim. 52.4 percent of African-American girls had localized disease (not propagate beyond breast). 68 percent of Caucasian women had localized disease (not propagate beyond breast).


    Overall five-year survival rate for African-American girls is 68.6 percent. Overall five-year survival rate for Caucasian women is 79.4 percent. If you’re a woman, especially, an African-American woman, dealing with this particular illness, or, if you know somebody who is, you’ll find the above mentioned report disturbing. Rightly so. Yet, the reasons for this disparity aren’t confined to one factor There seem to be several.

    African-American women are less likely to have surgery. However, this issue is a lot bigger than any one person can handle, therefore, if you’re an African-American woman, it’s to your benefit understand what personal, proactive actions you can take to increase your odds of not getting breast cancer, or, the way to improve your odds for survival if you do develop the disease. A very simple strategy is “immuno-therapy.”

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    The basic idea is, improving the way the immune system functions, so the body itself may mount a stronger defense again diseases of any sort. This is important, since cancers often develop because of a compromised immune system. As a direct consequence of the research conducted by the researcher and Career Investigation, Dr. Gustavo Bounous, MD, science has discovered a”master player” in the subject of immune health. It’s a small molecule called glutathione, produced naturally inside each cell of the human body. Dr. Bounous, in combination with renown immunologist, Dr. Patricia Kongshavn, PhD, found that this crucial molecule is vital for the functioning an optimized immune system.

    In actuality, without sufficient levels of glutathione, the immune system is compromised; thereby permitting the growth of numerous disease conditions, including cancers. In fundamental terms, here is the bottom line: When glutathione levels are high, the immune reaction inhibits the growth of tumors within the cell. When glutathione levels are low, you have a much increased probability of getting cancer. So a crucial variable centers about keeping glutathione at optimal levels.


    To do that, the cells require a rich source of this rate-limiting amino acid, cysteine. Without cysteine, the cells simply can’t manufacture sufficient quantities of glutathione to fuel the immune system satisfactorily. Further, cysteine together with its ‘partner’ amino acids, glycine and glutamate, needs to have the ability to travel through the digestive system without being destroyed in the gut, so that this strong “freight” can be sent directly into the cell. This was the challenge.

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