    HomeHome RemedyWhat Is The Difference Between Cold And Flu?

    What Is The Difference Between Cold And Flu?

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    Are you wondering if you have the flu? There are distinct symptoms for both the common cold and flu. The flu can strike suddenly. The flu can strike suddenly. You feel fine when you wake up, but then you start to feel aching and shivering. When you have the flu, a fever is a common symptom.

    Take Note

    • You may also experience a headache, fatigue or sore throat.
    • Sometimes, the flu can be accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea, but this is more common in children.
    • Usually, it takes a few days for the hair to develop.
    • You may have a sore throat or a cough.
    • If the sinuses are inflamed, it can cause nasal congestion and headaches.

    A Cold

    A cold usually does not cause fever or aches. How can you tell if you have the H1N1 Flu Strain. It won’t. You won’t unless your doctor tests you with a swab to remove nasal secretions. Remember, the H1N1 strain is far more common than the usual flu strain. The treatment for H1Ni is the same as for seasonal flu. It does seem to be contagious. Protect yourself and others around you. New research shows that the H1N1 virus can spread even after the fever has passed.

    Swine flu seems to be more contagious than seasonal flu. The flu is likely to make you contagious for at least a week. If you care about your family, friends, or co-workers, take the week off. Take your laptop with you and work remotely. As mentioned, coughing should be treated with care. If the coughing stops, it is a sign that a H1N1 patient has stopped being contagious.


    What are the Treatments for Flu?

    • Rest and relax at home. The best thing is to sleep. It is not a good idea to use energy just to get dressed for work. This is when your body needs to be strong to fight the virus.
    • Keep hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids.
    • Avoid alcohol as it can cause dehydration and weaken the immune system.
    • Do not smoke – it is bad for your respiratory system.
    • For a headache or muscle ache, you can take over-the-counter pain relievers.
    • Avoid spreading illness to others. You should keep your bathroom separate and in a separate area. Wearing a mask can help prevent the spread of the disease to others. According to what I have read, a mask worn by healthy people may not protect them but can give them a false sense security.
    • Some doctors prescribe antivirals such as Tamiflu and Relenza. This may reduce the duration of the illness by a few days if it is administered within 48 hours of onset of symptoms.
    • You should expect to be fully recovered in five days without the antiviral medication. This means that you should stay in bed for five nights. If you have a fever or feel you might be getting the flu, you should stay home. Adults can spread the flu to other adults up to five days after they get sick. The general rule of thumb is that you should stay home for 24 hours once the fever has subsided (without taking fever-lowering medication). This gives your body another day to recover. If your congestion or cough hasn’t subsided from its peak, it is possible that you are still infected.
    • If you have a history of severe asthma attacks, pneumonia, sepsis, or other high-risk conditions, talk to your doctor.
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    People 65 years and older, as well as those with chronic medical conditions, pregnant mothers, and young children, are all eligible. You shouldn’t have to go to the hospital if you have H1N1. However, the virus can cause other illnesses such as bronchitis or pneumonia, sepsis, and asthma flare-ups.

    •  You can breathe fast or slow.
    • Bluish skin color is an indication that you are not getting enough oxygen.
    • Very severe case.
    • A child refusing to be held because they are so upset is a sign of more serious illness.
    • After appearing to have recovered, symptoms of the flu may return. This could be a sign of a secondary illness, or it could mean that the flu isn’t really back.
    • Fever with a rash may be a sign of another illness.
    • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing (an indication of sepsis or pneumonia)
    • A more serious condition is the flu, which can be characterized by pain or pressure in the abdomen or chest.
    • Sudden dizziness is an indicator that you are not getting enough oxygen.
    • Confusion is also known as a sign that you may not be getting enough oxygen.
    • Dehydration can result from persistent or severe vomiting.
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    Final Tips

    • Wash your hands. Use soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds. The alcohol gels can be used if soap and water are unavailable.
    • Don’t get over tired. Get your usual amount of sleep. If you feel tired, take a break. When you sleep, your body does its repair work.
    • Avoid those you know are sick. Find a way to make your coworkers go home if they are sick. It’s better for them as well as you.
    • Keep healthy – eat healthy food – get enough sleep. You are likely to avoid getting the flu or a common cold this season. But if you do, PLEASE stay home.


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