    HomePainWhat are the Stages of a Migraine Headache?

    What are the Stages of a Migraine Headache?

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    Migraine headaches can cause severe pain and are often experienced by people in different ways. Although the exact cause is unknown, it can be related to blood vessel contractions, brain changes, and abnormalities in certain brain areas. The intensity and duration of the pain can vary from one person to another. There are five stages to a migraine headache. Most people will experience at most two of them.

    Take Note

    • Predome – This phase is often experienced before the headache begins. It can occur anywhere from a few hours up to several days before the migraine. It usually causes irritability or depression and sometimes euphoria. Others may experience fatigue, muscle stiffness and a lack or craving for certain foods.
    • Aura – This second phase usually occurs less than an hour prior to a migraine. It often causes some of the above symptoms or blurry vision. It can also cause a change in smell, tingling in the hands or face, or sensitivity to touch. The actual migraine occurs at this stage. It usually starts on one side of your head and then becomes more severe over time. They can last from a few hours up to several days. Some people will feel hot and others will feel cold. This is when you feel the most severe symptoms, such as fainting and sensitivity to light or sound. This is also when more than 80% feel nauseated.
    • Headache Termination – All people experience this phase when the symptoms begin to disappear. It will start to feel less severe for some people, while others will experience no headache at all. Some people will experience symptoms that aren’t as severe, but they won’t be as severe.
    • Postdrome – This is the last stage of a migraine headache. It’s when the body heals from the pain it has just experienced. Some will still experience minor headaches in this stage. Some people will feel dizzy, lose their appetite, while others will feel refreshed and even euphoric.
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    Let’s now look at the treatment options. Your doctor may recommend medication if you suffer from severe, recurring headaches. This is a treatment that may be recommended if your migraines are affecting your quality life or if you have unusual conditions such as a prolonged aura. There are two types: preventive and abortive drug treatments.

    • Abortive – This medication is used to stop the pain from starting. It is particularly useful for migraine sufferers who experience nausea or vomiting. These medications are designed to stop migraines as soon as you feel them coming on or after they have begun. These medications can be administered by mouth, nasal spray, and even self-injection.
    • Preventive – This medication is prescribed for migraines that are severe or frequent (more than once per week). These medications can be taken daily and aim to reduce the severity of the attacks.

    Natural Treatments

    Natural treatments may be an option if your migraine headaches are not severe or frequent. These natural treatments are ideal for people who are unable or unwilling to take preventive medication due to side effects, prior health conditions, or drug interactions. Warm up in a hot bath or shower.

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    Use an ice pack on the area of your head that hurts. You can also try your forehead, back, neck, or temples. Use your thumb and index fingers to gently apply pressure to the area of your head that is hurting. For 7-15 seconds, apply pressure and then let go. Relax or lie down in low-lit rooms. Focus on relaxing your neck, back and shoulders. Give yourself a massage or have a friend rub your back.


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