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    Wat zijn de opties voor de behandeling van hoofdpijn?

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    There are many headache pain products on the marketplace. Here are some things to consider before you buy one. There are two types of headache pain treatment products: allopathic and complementary and alternate medicines (CAM). You may want to consider natural remedies for headaches if you don’t plan on using allopathic headache pain medication products. Natural headache pain treatment products, practices, and methods give credence to older and less scientific methods of treating pain.

    Alternatieve geneeskunde

    These treatments are based on CAM healing systems like Traditional Chinese Medicine, massage therapy, and homeopathy. It is a good idea to examine your lifestyle and identify what triggers your headaches. Stress is often the cause of headaches. There are many products available that can help reduce tension and thus decrease the severity and frequency of headaches.

    • If massage is a way to relax, you might consider purchasing a massage therapy product, such as a massage chair, or a handheld device that massages.
    • Poor sleeping habits, patterns, and postures may be the cause of headaches that start with tension in the neck. A good pillow or mattress for headache pain would be a good choice. They are designed to provide maximum support for your neck and back. Regular sleeping hours are also important to prevent headaches.
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    There is still much debate about whether holistic approaches to medicine are valid in modern society. Skeptics claim that anyone who doesn’t follow strict science is following a quack philosophy that will not work. Despite this resistance, some doctors are now looking into alternative treatments for headache pain. Recent double-blind studies have shown that natural remedies for headache pain can be effective. This is great news for those suffering from chronic headache pains who want to be able to choose other treatments than allopathic medicine.




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