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    Hoe omgaan met hoofdpijn en misselijkheid?

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    Headaches can be caused by a variety of things, including noise, light, unique medical conditions, unbalanced diets or dehydration. No matter what the cause, headaches can strike at any time. There are many types of headaches. Depending on which type you have, you may experience throbbing temples or sensitivity to light and noise. You might also feel pain when you touch your hair, and nausea.


    When a headache becomes a migraine, your whole body will feel the effects. It will first affect your appetite and stomach nerves, which can lead to nausea. Some over-the-counter medications can be used to treat nausea and headaches. Drink plenty of water while you are taking these medications. Dehydration is often the main cause of headaches in the primary location. However, if you have nausea or headaches due to another medical condition, your doctor may need to be consulted before you seek treatment.

    This could cause problems with your current medication and your overall health. Many natural remedies don’t have unwanted side effects. However, it is a good idea to consult your doctor before you start any treatment. This will ensure that you are not interfering in any medication you are currently taking.

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    Although organic remedies may take longer to show results than conventional treatments, they can be safer to use for constant headaches with nausea. Although headache medications can be purchased without a prescription at any drug store, there are many unwanted side effects such as diarrhea and stomach lining damage. It is important to not overdose or self-medicate if you are currently taking other medications for well being issues. Tension is a major cause of headaches.

    We are constantly exposed to different strains. You can identify the cause of your headache and take steps to treat it.



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