    HomeImmune SystemWhy is it important to take Cardiform?

    Why is it important to take Cardiform?

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    You may be wondering if taking a vitamin and mineral supplement will help strengthen your immune system. We should care about our immune system because it will help us to fight any harmful and foreign agents that might come our way.

    Do we need to take Vitamins and Minerals in Winter?

    We will only need to take vitamin and mineral supplements if we have a deficiency in a specific nutrient. If a blood test reveals low iron or vitamin levels, supplementation may be recommended. The protocol should ensure that the supplementation is only necessary for a short time, and that the nutrients are replenished and stored in a way that does not cause long-term toxic effects. It may be that a nutritional deficiency will occur soon and supplementation as a precaution is required. Vitamin K deficiency in newborns, or Vitamin B12 deficiency in vegetarians and vegans are examples. Vitamin D is also deficient in the first year or in countries where there is little sun exposure.

    There are also certain population groups, such as athletes, pregnant women and the elderly, who have a specific need for certain nutrients. It can be seen with folic acids in pregnant women, and protein in athletes or the elderly. Iodine is another issue. Iodized sea salt is a great way to prevent diseases like goiter, mental retardation, and other illnesses. It also has a low risk of toxicity. It is not toxic because the amount of iodized sodium consumed is very small. This fact has been widely researched and proven in the public health.

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    Cardiform Mv En5Er

    Keys to improve the Immune System

    Eat a diet rich in plant foods. Add fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds and whole grains to your diet. You should consume the amount of fish, seafood and dairy products you need according your age.

    • Avoid alcohol and ultra-processed food.
    • Stress management and rest are important.
    • Avoid a sedentary life style and stay active.
    • If you are unable to sunbathe for 20 minutes per day, test your Vitamin D levels through a blood sample once a year.

    Vitamins Essential for good Health

    • VITAMIN D: Unfortunately, vitamin D deficiency is quite common. Particularly in areas with harsh, long winters. When the skin is exposed, it produces vitamin D (cholecalciferol). In winter, the lack of sunshine makes it hard for your body to produce sufficient vitamin D. It strengthens our immune system and helps us to fight off infections.
    • VITAMIN C: Vitamin C (ascorbic) may not prevent colds but it can reduce the duration of an illness. The body will be less able to fight germs if it does not have enough vitamin C. In winter, it is important to consume enough vitamin C.
    • FOLIC ACID: The B-vitamin family includes folic acid. Folic acid is essential for cell growth and reproduction, and therefore is very important during pregnancy. It is also crucial for the synthesis DNA and ribonucleic acids. Folic acid is essential for the immune system. Folic acid is recommended for pregnant women and those with intestinal disorders. Alcoholics are also at a higher risk of folic deficiency. A folic-acid supplement is also recommended to help treat this addiction.
    • VITAMIN A: Vitamin A is fat-soluble. Vitamin A is important for winter. Many people are aware that it’s good for the eyesight. Vitamin A deficiency can lead to a decreased immune response as well as an increased risk of infection.
    • VITAMIN E: Vitamin E (tocopherol), is also a fat-soluble vitamin. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that has multiple functions in the body. It also strengthens your immune system. Many diseases (such arthritis or cancer) and aging are said to be helped by vitamin E. It is unlikely that you are deficient in Vitamin E if you follow a healthy diet.
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    What is Cardiform?

    It is a supplement that contains vitamins that have unique functions within the body. It is a vitamin supplement that contains a combination of vitamins with unique functions in the body.

    It is the fastest method to correct micronutrient deficiency in those individuals or populations that have been identified as lacking, such as vitamins. Cardiform is a nutritional supplement that contains vitamins and nutrients essential for the proper functioning of the body.

    Composition of Cardiform

    Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Copper, Zinc, Manganese, Selenium, Chromium, Molybdenum, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Vitamin B1 (Thiamine), Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), Niacin, Pantothenic acid, Vitamin B6, Folic Acid, Vitamin B12, Biotin, Vitamin C.

    Cardiform Mv En1 1 Cardiform Mv En3 1 Cardiform Mv En2 1

    Cardiform is what you need to strengthen your Immune System

    Each of the vitamins contained in Cardiform performs a physiological function and their deficiency is known to cause specific health problems. To avoid serious health problems we recommend consuming Cardiform to strengthen your immune system. It will make you feel more energetic during the day as well as fight any kind of plague. We always recommend to purchase Cardiform only from the official website: Cardiform Original

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