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    HjemImmunsystemetHva bør du vite om babyens vekst?

    Hva bør du vite om babyens vekst?

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    When a baby is born, it has no conception of day and night. Babies sleep, normally, about seventeen hours daily, but in a series of short naps. These naps usually last from two to four hours. They can not sleep for long stretches of time, like adults do, since they frequently have to be fed and have a diaper change at the middle of the night.

    Baby care

    To help your baby become accustomed to sleeping longer at night, keep the area where baby sleeps brightly lit throughout the day, but not in direct sun and dark at night. You may also set a bedtime routine, such as feeding and bathing before bedtime and play soothing music to help baby fall asleep. Babies are born with reflexes that help protect them after arrival. For instance, touch baby’s cheek with the tip of your finger or breastfeeding, the baby will turn towards the origin and open its mouth.

    Place your finger in the palm of its hand and baby will grasp it. These springs only last a month or two and are then replaced with voluntary movements. Breastfeeding is the best type of feeding a toddler. There are various nutrients found in breast milk which aid in the growth of the child and antibodies that help fight infection. Breastfeeding makes infant’s immune system stronger. Engorgement is a common problem related to breastfeeding. It causes the breasts to become thick and hard.

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    Expressing a little bit of milk before each feeding helps solve this issue. Sore nipples are a sign that baby is not latching on correctly. Make sure that the infant takes the areola to its mouth together with the nipple itself, or milk will not communicate correctly, causing the infant to want to suck harder. This causes pain for the mother and frustration for your infant. The growth of a baby is extremely rapid. Babies double their birth weight in the first six months of life and triple their birth weight in the first year.

    After the first year, a child’s growth pattern starts to slow a little. The normal child at the same year is roughly thirty inches and twenty five lbs. The average height and weight for a two year old kid is about thirty-three inches and twenty five lbs. By just 3 months old, baby needs to have the ability to hold up his head when put on his stomach to get a couple of seconds.


    Baby may attempt to swipe or capture toys hanging overhead and will like to study faces. He/she will turn his/her mind when spoken to, listen to voices and become startled at loud noises. When baby is six months old, he’s growing control over their body. Baby will have the ability to sit with help and possibly even alone for short amounts of time. He/she will start to reach out if he/she wants to be held. Baby will have the ability to roll over. Baby will have the ability to hold their particular bottle and toys and babble happily or shout with aggravation.

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    At nine months old, baby needs to be able to sit without assistance and might have the ability to pull his/herself up on furniture. Baby will have the ability to use his/her fingers to point and grasp small objects and nourish his/herself little finger foods. You will discover a pattern in his/her babble, as though it were a foreign language. At one year, infant might have the ability to walk and stand unassisted. He/she may have the ability to crawl up stairs and from their crib or playpen. The infant will favor using one hand over the other. Baby will become fearful or wary of strangers and will have the ability to express emotion, affection and will have the ability to solve simple issues.


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