    HomeBody-SpiritAre There Tips To Stop Being Misled?

    Are There Tips To Stop Being Misled?

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    The industrial world makes us think that we are alive in order to become selfish and materialistic because this is suitable for all entrepreneurs, and everybody is a marketer on the planet. We have to learn to stop buying things that aren’t really necessary and care for more important things. Everything in our world is completed based on cash, and everybody does everything so as to generate money.

    Let’s see…

    We reside spending and making money, like we did not have anything more important to do in life. The presence of poverty in parallel with the greed of people who have cash demonstrates that we really are vampires who use and kill one another. We are living in a world characterized by numerous horrors since we’re absurd and evil monsters. The international image of what is going on in the world speaks alone.

    The presence of poverty, violence, and immorality demonstrates that we are cruel and wicked. We must change our behavior to be able to change the world and stop living in a chaos where we’re exposed to numerous dangers. Everyone must have the opportunity to evolve and achieve higher consciousness. We have to eventually understand that God is the only person who understands how we can find peace and happiness, and stop expecting our suppositions.

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    We’re forced to think in dangerous delusions since the commercial, greedy, and cruel world imposes selfishness and materialism into the population. So, we do not learn from the start of our lives all of the dangers which are threatening our psychological health and our lives. We envision that the world is a place where we could be happy, besides its horrors. We feel that happiness depends on having many material delights. We associate immorality with joy, while it creates mental disorders and it kills love. We think that we can do anything we might need, while there are lots of restrictions and risks blocking our way.

    We think that we’re smart when we’re wicked and dishonest, while we shed our human individuality and we’re controlled by our satanic anti-conscience each time we concur with its bad suggestions. We think in many delusions and we make several errors. Everyone needs to learn from the commencement of their lives that there are various dangers threatening their psychological health and their future.

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    Life is a tricky experience produced by numerous challenges. Everyone has to be fearful of their wicked self, and fearful of the evilness of the world. Everyone must humbly obey God’s guidance in their dreams and their faith with seriousness and gratitude. There are more than too many risks everywhere, and Satan occupies the largest portion of our brain. We have to make many efforts so as to conserve our conscience and create all our emotional functions.


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