    HomeAllergyWhat To Know About Penis Rash?

    What To Know About Penis Rash?

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    When proudly unveiling the manhood, a man wants to make certain his equipment will create the best possible impression. That’s less likely to occur if a penis rash is present, causing his otherwise impressive member to appear unhealthy – and possibly raising worries about his general penis and sexual health.

    Penis rash

    Many spouses might worry that a penis rash may be an indication of some kind of sexually-transmitted disease, but it is very likely to be caused by something far more mundane – like an allergy. Since no man is very happy to present with red, swollen penis skin, learning about how an allergy can lead to a penis rash is vital.

    • Soap, shampoos and cleansers. Penis skin is extremely sensitive, and therefore it might experience an allergic reaction to harsh soaps or cleansers, or the ones that include fragrances. Although shampoo is usually relegated to the scalp, often it drips on the penis – and a few guys do shampoo their pubic hair also. If the shampoo includes a chemical that’s unpleasant to the penis, a rash can result.
    • Laundry detergents and fabric softeners. Much like shampoos and soaps, some laundry detergents or fabric softeners may contain ingredients which send a red flag to the immune system. A penis rubbing against panties or pants washed with this kind of detergent can respond in an allergic method.
    • Certain fabrics. Sometimes, a man might be allergic to certain fabrics or materials. Usually, this affects the penis only if this material is nylon or cotton, typical fabrics used in panties. However, if a person prefers to go without panties, or when the allergy is particularly intense, people who have a response to denim, linen, wool or other fabrics may endure.
    • Spermicides or lubricants. Although spermicides and lubricants are intended for sexual use, guys with especially sensitive skin might find that they create a rash. Sometimes switching from, say, an oil-based lubricant into a water-based one can help.
    • Latex condoms. Similarly, some guys have a latex allergy, which may make using traditional condoms difficult. Seeking out non-latex condoms is highly suggested for such men. By the same token, if a spouse has a latex allergy, utilizing non-latex condoms is suggested.
    • Semen. It’s extremely unlikely, but some men may experience seminal fluid hypersensitivity, meaning semen may create a rash. Cleaning the penis immediately upon orgasm can occasionally help with this situation.
    • Chemicals. A whole selection of compounds can create a rash – so guys with very sensitive skin must wash their hands before touching the penis for urination or masturbation, if they’ve been managing an item with allergy-causing compounds.
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    Taking measures to eliminate the probability of an allergy can spare a person an embarrassing penis rash. Using a first class manhood health crème (caregivers advocate Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can often help alleviate some of the itching and redness associated with penis rash. For this to happen, a man requires a crème with a high-end emollient (like Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (like vitamin E), to help provide the calming moisturization the manhood requires. Additionally, it pays to seek out a crème with vitamin D, as this”wonder vitamin” combats disease and helps support healthy cellular function of penis skin.


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