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    What Causes Frequent Headaches?

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    Headaches are a common reason people seek medical attention. Although headaches are a common cause for suffering, not all headaches are created equal. A migraine, for example, is a splitting headache that seems to happen without any reason. A migraine is a recurring headache pattern that is accompanied by nausea, usually at least part of the time.


    You may experience nausea, vomiting, or the sensation that light or sound is bothering your eyes (photophobia), or both. Some people are more susceptible to migraine headaches than others. Others experience tension headaches and sinus headaches. It is a constant pain and agony once the headaches set in.

    The symptoms of headaches are what determine the diagnosis. The diagnosis can’t be made by any procedure. You may be able to identify the cause of your headaches by keeping a log. People who experience headaches may have an inherited abnormality in blood vessel regulation.


    Triggers can be classified into several categories, including emotional triggers and stress, as well as chemical, food, and environmental triggers. Although it is known that headaches can run in families, it is not necessary that headache-prone children will have them. Tension headaches can be caused by insufficient sleep, anxiety, worries, and other problems.

    Stress and allergies can also trigger headaches. Many sufferers have a history of headaches. However, it is not known if this condition is hereditary. Some headaches, such as migraine, can also be triggered by stress, insomnia, over-sleeping, or hunger. There may be a few triggers that trigger your headache attack at once, but these triggers can change over time. Some people find cheese (pizza), a trigger factor, while others find it worsens an existing condition. Although it can be difficult to avoid them, some migraines can be triggered by environmental changes. Some people even believe that migraines can be triggered by stress.

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    Herbal Help

    Ginkgo and Feverfew herbs can help reduce the intensity of the migraine. If the pain is severe (which it often is during a migraine attack), then medication may be necessary. To find drug-free relief, it is important to be aware of the causes of your headaches. You can relieve migraines by avoiding certain foods. Some sufferers react to salt, lactose and ice cream, cigarette smoking, birth control pills and caffeine.

    Find out if you have allergies. Headaches can be caused by allergies. Almost all headache treatments are designed to reduce or eliminate pain. People who suffer from migraine headaches that are severe or frequent should not take medication. They should also avoid triggers and make lifestyle changes. Some people find that falling asleep can help eliminate migraine headaches.

    Alternative Therapy

    Alternative headache treatments include aromatherapy, acupunture and biofeedback as well as homeopathy and herbal remedies like feverfew. Peppermint oil or 5-HTP supplements may help tension headaches. People with mild migraine headaches that don’t interfere with their daily activities often use over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers (analgesics). There are many natural remedies that can help with headaches.

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    However, you must first determine what kind of headache you are experiencing. The proper diagnosis is crucial to the treatment of headaches. Migraine headaches are a common type of recurring headache. There are many factors that can lead to headache pain or migraines. You should not use headache medication too often. They are great friends when you need them, but they are poor masters. A cold damp cloth can be placed on the temple or forehead (on the side that is most painful), or a frozen bag of peas wrapped tightly in a towel. Cold compresses can sometimes help to ease the pain.


    Researchers believe that tension headache and migraine are closely related. This explains why so many headache sufferers can experience both types of headaches. Tension headaches can often occur in the middle or late of the day. Tension headaches can be severe or mild. Some people say that tension headaches can be worse than a migraine headache.


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